Chapter 4:waiting

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Vannsai was able to patch up her injuries but her eye still had scars she just looked at the cameras with her taser besides her and now a new camera focused on Foxy she tried to focus on the other cameras to see if everyone was ok but every little movement foxy made had vannasai snapping her neck back to the camera with foxy holding her taser 

''uh computer could you just you know make sure foxy doesn't do anything''Vannasai said ''well officer vannasai I can't really do much since foxy is already insane he may become worse if I do anymore so this is the best I can do''Computer said ''then do better''Vannsai said ''you do know I have the power to let him go....''Computer said ''don't you dare''Vannsai said ''i won't but just so you know I can let him out whenever I want''Computer said 

''vannsai....''Foxy said to the cameras vannasai looked at the cameras quickly ''why i'm I here? I'm fine now sorry for your eye so could you let me out now?''Foxy said normally ''uh yeah i'm not falling for that''Vannsai said ''vannsai? I know you can hear me I can't hear or see you but I know your there...''Foxy said Vannsai ignored foxy  for awhile

''Vannsai! let me out before I take your eye''Foxy yelled  ''uhh computer could you do a control shock on foxy''Vannsai said ''well I could but that could effect him negatively ''Computer said ''hows that''Vannsai said ''well he can react to the pain as a sign or being attacked and then do his best to try and get out''Computer said ''ugh''Vannsai yelled 

''Vannasai!''Foxy yelled ''I'll do what I did to lolbit and tear your heart out!''Foxy screamed getting up slamming himself against the door ''uh can we do anthing like I don't know get him to go to sleep or something''Vannsai said ''nope no can do I can either control shock him which probably wouldn't help, send a staff bot in there to try getting him to calm down which will probably just kill the staff bot so yeah do you want to send any of the animatroics after him? it could be a test to see if he'll react to them all as threats or some as friends''Computer said ''uhh ok yeah but who should I bring in? lolbit died when she was with him and being nice by the way so who else''Vannsai said''well maybe Funtime Freddy his been friends with foxy for awhile maybe foxy would remeber him in some way''Computer said ''huh ok then i'll get him''Vannsai said





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