Please pause to read! Important!

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Warning there is-

•child abuse
•mentioned incest
•vulgar language
•Anton Bognadow
•dark humor
•angst and a lot of it
•I'll probably add some stuff later but I'm tired.

Important things-

•No major character death
•a bunch of humor and dad jokes
•Ivy's a little overpowered only a little
•this is a poly story with two? Three? Polyships.
•Spencer is Bi
•Emily is a lesbian
•Ivy is Bisexual and so is Will
•Riley is pansexual
•Rajan, Kala, and Wolfgang get together sorry not sorry to the people who don't like them. I love them so much!

I have never been in a relationship nor a polyamorous one but I have done tons of research but if I do get something wrong tell me.

If you do not like this book please don't read it.

No homophobia in the comments
No transphobia in the comments
No racism in the comments

I will not tolerate bullying or harassment in my comments I will block you or delete your comments if I have to.

If I get a language or something wrong don't be afraid to tell me. I try to edit my books the best I can but I do miss things so please if you see a grammatical error or spelling error tell me. Or a sexy scene is cringy tell me.

Also if you haven't watched Sense8 or Criminal minds then you will not understand what's going on till like the 20th chapter so I suggest to go and watch them before reading this.

Sense8 is only two seasons and Criminal Minds is 16 seasons but I don't have a set timeline for criminal minds.

Anyway that's it for now, love ya-

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