Missed Target

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(A/N; this video of black butler cracks kills me xD Grell/Sebastian/Undertaker moments is funny asf but I died at 11:39-12:51 &&' the corset scene near the ending oms cx I'm so done ;-; *dies*)
-Back To Story-

Me and John walked around the outskirts of London all night until now it was day light, now we have to act like incompetent human begins. "I will take a walk John kay?" I asked him before running off because as usual his answer would be it's fine because he can easily watch me in the shadows as it would sound like stalking. As I sighed looking down at my feet I accidentally bumped into someone. "Sorry" I mumbled as I got up to look at the person. It was Ash, ugh how I hate this guy! He is psycho! "Excuse me I am sorry. And may I ask why does a young lady like you has weapons?" He asked chuckling. Oh because I wanna kill people right away to feast on their souls, yeah I can't say that.. or can I? No no I can't. "Uh.. safety first. I have to protect myself don't I?" He smirked at my responsed and asked "Do you have a job mi'lady?" I shook my head. This guy better not give me a job where I have to have sex with old guys because I heard of that and that is fucked up! "Might i say, I am Ash Landers. Head butler for the queen. Would you like to get a job from her? You can protect her or so." I nodded and took up his offer.

}Time Skip; At The Queen's{

As Ash knocked on the door to I'm guessing her room? He then opened it and there sat a so called 'queen' so since she is royalty I bowed. "It is a pleasure to meet you my lady. I am (Y/N)" I told as I smiled softly and she smiled back. Wow she actually bought it. "Hello (Y/N)! Yes as you know I am Queen but let's get that over with may we?" I nodded as she continued "There has been many threats against me and I need a protector. As you being my protector you will now be called, my Loyal Kitten! But you are to be a secret, promise?" She says softly and I nodded again "Yes My Lady" I bowed once more and asked "Give me a list and I shall protect you...and your secret butler too" I mumbled the last part as Ash handed me a list and I walked out. This is good. I kill. I get soul. Right?

"(Y/N)!" I heard someone shout my name as I turn I see John on the rooftop walking towards me. "Yes?" I asked. "What are you doing? I knew about you protecting the queen and stuff but she is fully protected, no threats, no more. But your still killing people?" He asked me as I heard talking I pushed John down amd grabbed his hand thinking about a cat as we both turned into cats and hid in a alley.

Ciel's POV-
"Young master the queen would like to know if we can go into town and look into investigation about a murder named 'Shredded Hearts'"
"Very well, get a carriage ready" I responded to my butler. "Yes My Lord" he said and bowed and walked off with me behind. I started to think walking to the main entrance to my manor. "Why do they call them shredded hearts?" As the carriage was here like on cue Sebastian helped me into the carriage and sat next to me and spoke taking me away from my thoughts. "My Lord Lost In Thoughts Again?" He asked with a smirk on his face, I swear sometimes I want to slap the smirk off that face of his. I closed my eyes and nodded looking out the window asking. "Why do they call them shredded hearts?" As I looked at him curiously he then answered. "It seems to me young master that this murder strikes anybody out late.." "Yes, yes I know" I scolded. "Past 12am and that the reason they call this murder that is because when they kill their victims they take out their heart and shred it into pieces and uses what I am assuming a paint brush to write next to them 'what a waste of oxygen, poor trees☆'" He continued as we got off the carriage walking near alleyways. "Mostly nobles I see, and it seems to be someone inhuman." I finished. "How so?" He asks and as I stopped next to a tall building answering. "To take out the heart they use no weapon like a human would. They have such great strength." I nodded and looked towards where my butler was but he was gone "Sebastian!" I shouted as I saw him ontop of a roof following a cat. Stupid demon.

Your POV-
As I already had transformed to my human form I had forgot to turn John back 'tch, I'll get him later' I thought as I got my bolt action sniper rifle ready to aim for a nobles head. As I loaded the gun something black knocked me down and my gun to slide away. I groaned as I got up and ran towards my gun and looked over the building to see if the noble is still there. Gone. I looked around and saw that same man. Well demon, petting John complimenting him. I rolled my eyes and by the time I knew it he was gone. I looked down and saw him walking with that kid. "John psst, come here" I whispered at the cat John did so I held his hand and turned him back to his human form. We both jumped off the roof and I ran towards the two.

Black Butler; (Male Demons) X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now