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A few weeks ago, after your dinner meeting with your parents andJay, you had the feeling that something was wrong with you.
You feel that you became lazy and mentally weak that even your parents can't talk to you properly. It seems that you're really affected about what Jay said that night.

You enter the school with blood shot eyes causing of not having  enough sleep thingking of what he's doing at that time or if he's with that girl alone.

You know It's weird and unacceptable to think that way, because it appears that you have overstepped your boundaries as a fan, but how can you force yourself to stop when he set the standards so high, to the point that you were there supporting him and trusting him that he would never date anyone, and for some reason you will be shocked that he was planning to build a house for his future and the funny thing that your dad will be the architect of his dreams, how ridiculous.

Maybe if those were just rumours, you would ignore it, but it's not, because everything you heard is came from Jay's mouth and to think that it will happen months from now is giving you a heartache.

It was weekend when you saw your dad walking to his car. He was busy looking at his ipad for some architectural design to the point that he didn't recognised you coming.

"Are you leaving dad?" You ask, because your dad usually don't work in weekends and it's kinda new to you that he will leave for work.

Your dad looks at you briefly before returning his attention to his iPad.

"My client reschedule the meeting, so i have no choice but accepts, he say he will be out of country next week."

At some point, you feel that the client your dad was talking with is Jay, so you ask your dad to accompany him.

"Can I come with you, Dad?" 

"There's no reason for you to come with me, just stay here and 

"But, Dad, I have nothing to do right now," you insisted, but your 
dad shook his head.

"I saw your grades last time, and I wasn't pleased with the outcomes. Instead of coming with me, stay here and study, don't embarrass our family, you know how shameful it is if you don't meet our expectations of you," your dad replied.

Your dad was about to get into his car when one of your maids called him because of an urgent call from your mom.

You understand that your parents are crucial when it comes to grades, but what will you do if you are only average?

So what? if you're unable to follow their professions, such as doctor and Architect? At least you commit to the true standard, which is Jay.

You instantly smile at those thoughts before your gaze lands on 
your dad's car.

You check at the front door to see whether he comes, and when he doesn't, You use the opportunity to get into the trunk.

If your dad refuses to let you come with him, you must do it on your own.

"See you Jay." 

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