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"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe."

     — Nietzsche

"What kind of question is that?"

Leant against the counter of the BAU's little kitchen while I make coffee, Elle shrugs. Her arms are crossed and her eyes fixed unyieldingly on me. "It's not that hard. Just pick one."

"Are you seriously telling me that you could choose between Mulder and Scully?"

"It's a simple question. I really don't understand why we've been debating it for the past ten minutes," she laughs.

"Uh, obviously because your taste is concerning." Seeing Garcia stumble past, staring at something in the office, I call her over with a mug now in-hand. "Hey, Garcia. Which would you choose, Mulder or Scully?"

"What kind of question is that?"

Her response is quiet, distracted. Frowning, Elle follows her gaze. "What are you doing out of your bunker anyway?"

She continues to stare. "I was on my way to file the things that I... file."

"Jesus, what is with you guys?" I look over, finally seeing the source of Garcia's fascination. A man stands in the office, dirty blonde hair slicked back and a biker helmet tucked under one arm. "Oh."

The man spots us and starts to approach. Letting out a little squeak, Garcia puts on her best smile, ending up looking a little creepy in the process. "Excuse me," he says, stopping in front of us. He has strong features, a few little scars on his face that give him a rugged look.

I smirk. "Hey."

"I'm looking—"

"Sean." We all stop short at the sound of Morgan's voice. He shakes the stranger's hand. "Hey. Derek. You must be looking for your brother. Right this way."

I swear his eyes dart back to me one more time before he follows Morgan away. "God damn. Wait, 'brother'?"

There are only a few options. He's too young to be Gideon's brother, and Reid is an only child, so that leaves one. Elle's smile fades. "He's Hotch's brother?"

Garcia seems equally shocked, still gazing after him. "Maybe Hotch is adopted."

Getting our coffees, we head back to the bullpen. I take a seat at my desk, kicking my feet up. Reid catches sight of me from over the little divider between his and Elle's spaces, and he smiles awkwardly. I return it. One of the office doors on the raised walkway at the edge of the bullpen opens. Garcia waves JJ over. Once she's close enough, she whispers in her ear. She then gasps. "He's coming."

JJ looks up as the door to Hotch's office opens and the man emerges. "That's Hotch's brother?"


"I don't see it."

Sean descends the steps into the bullpen, Hotch following him at a distance. "Sean, listen to me. All I'm saying is that you're 25 years old and—"

"You know what? Don't profile me, Aaron!" he snaps, storming out.

"Now I see it."

Hotch pauses, sending us a sharp glare before returning to his office. We quickly get back to work. Watching the others scurry off, Reid frowns. "What was that all about?"

Still checking out the receding figure, I shrug. "You'll understand when you're older."

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