Part 2: The Formation of the SNAZZLES

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Hey there fellow snazziniens. Yeah? No? No. Okay.
So if you want to see Snazzy's graffiti, there's a picture up top. It's sorta upside down tho...Also unfortunately snazzy is retired at measuring but is still going strong at ruling. Sadly overtime her markings have faded so no more of that.
Yeah you didn't really need to know that.
Okay..... TWORD NARNIA!!!!
Stay snazzy xx
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Jess and I were sitting next to each other in our completely un-snazzilicious math class, and we got bored so we decided to focus our attention on to snazzy.

We all of a sudden just started graffitiing on him. We got a sharpie from our friend Nikki and wrote all of this random stuff on it. We then proceeded to form secret code names for ourselves. I was #snazzypants, Jess was Snazz attack and snazzy was still just snazzy. Then, I don't even know how this happened really, we decided to call ourselves the SNAZZLES!

Our motto is "the SNAZZ will make it happen" and we had the power of snazz. It was sort of like knighting. We would tap someone on one shoulder with snazzy, then make a rainbow of snazz over their head and tap them on the other shoulder, left to right, whilst saying our motto. You were then snazzy

So from then on we were known as the SNAZZLES and we had the best time together. We were so on top of all of it and we had the best times together being snazzy. Then one day this guy James highlighted right through the middle of all of our graffiti, and at first we were mad, but then we liked the idea so we kept On with it.

The SNAZZLES really had no significance whatsoever, but to us the SNAZZLES were everything.

And snazzy (as sad as it is) was our best friend.
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Hey I have just thought of something. How come you can be standing in a doorway just casually and nobody would think anything of it, but if you stood in that's same doorway but leant against the frame it is automatically considered sexual... Idk that's just my brain for you.
Okay gonna keep this short so...
- thanks for reading
-you guys are great
-I'm probably just talking to myself coz no one will read this
-something bout divergent probably
Stay snazzy xx
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Snazzy, Sassy, Snazz Attack, #snazzypants and BobWhere stories live. Discover now