Landing within Property

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Mr Puzzle's POV:

"..Is this... d-death?.."

I would mumble unconsciously as I was sent flying up in the air. Damn it. I shouldn't have made Luigi a meat mallet..

I felt my screen crackle from the pressure of air brushing against it, and my head was flying for what I thought was for hours... that SMG4 sure packed a punch to send me soaring in the air for such a long period of time..

Maybe this is how I'll die.. Being shot in the air... I always wanted to feel the sweet bliss of demise sooner or later.


The MAI Factory was as successful as ever, as the manager of the factory itself I feel like I've been doing very well as a leader. My staff has been being good and faithful as per usual as I was in my office.

I was busy on some paperwork to buy an empty factory for my company when...

-All of a sudden, I heard a loud crash outside of the facility that made me jump out of my seat!

Everybody else heard the crash as well, but I didn't let them outside out of fear that they may be hurt so me and my assistant, Khalid rush out of the entrance.

There was a hole, the grass around it burnt to covered with small shards of glass in the lawn of the facility. "THE YARD! We just got new grass!" Khalid yells out with his sleeves flailing in the air in surprise and irritation.

"... I think I see something inside the hole..." I mention as I walk closer to the hole.

In the hole was a broken TV, it looked to be a 1980's model, the buttons were out of the sockets, the screen was shattered and the antennas were broken.

Shortly after Khalid  then walks up to me, before looking up in the sky, he squints his eyes before speaking, "Did that TV just come from the sky?.." He mutters.

I kneel down to the TV and I placed my hand on the broken screen, before I felt the warmness. " It's still functioning. Get the engineers, I want to see if we can fix this contraption." I say with a serious tone towards Khalid, he nods before scurrying away into the office again.

"What ever this is, I feel like you can be of good use.."

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