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The sun rose on a seemingly ordinary morning in the quiet suburban neighborhood where Y/n lived. Birds chirped in the trees, and the scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the air.

Y/n sat at the kitchen table, engaging in a lively conversation with her parents. Little did they know that their world was about to be turned upside down.

As Y/n finished her breakfast, she decided to go for a jog around the familiar streets of her subdivision.

The cool breeze brushed against her face as she laced up her running shoes and stepped out into the serene morning.

But as she made her way down the road, something seemed off. People were running in the opposite direction, their faces filled with panic and fear.

Y/n initially brushed it off as a mere coincidence, assuming they were late for work or some other urgent matter.

However, her nonchalant attitude quickly turned to horror when she witnessed a gruesome scene unfold before her eyes.

A man, his skin pale and eyes vacant, attacked a woman, sinking his teeth into her flesh. Y/n's instincts kicked in as she rushed to the woman's aid, desperately trying to pry the man off her.

In her valiant efforts, Y/n lost her balance, and the zombie man toppled onto her, his gnarled teeth inches away from her vulnerable neck.

It seemed like all hope was lost, until a sudden gunshot echoed through the air.

Daeyeol, the leader of Golden Child and a military officer, appeared out of nowhere, swiftly dispatching the zombie with a single shot to the head.

The lifeless body fell to the ground, just inches away from Y/n's trembling form.

Still in shock, Y/n looked up at Daeyeol, her eyes filled with gratitude and confusion. He extended a helping hand, pulling her up from the ground.

Without wasting a second, he guided her towards a familiar car parked nearby, owned by her friend Jessi, who was nowhere to be found.

As they entered the car, Daeyeol's face was etched with concern. He explained to Y/n the grim reality of the situation—a zombie outbreak had taken hold of the world.

Getting bitten meant turning into one of them, a mindless creature driven by an insatiable hunger for human flesh.

Y/n's heart raced as she absorbed the shocking revelation. Daeyeol, too, was in the dark about the full extent of the outbreak, but he knew they had to find safety and gather more information.

In the midst of their conversation, Daeyeol asked Y/n for her name, and to his surprise, she recognized him as the leader of Golden Child.

As they drove through the chaotic streets, Y/n revealed a crucial piece of information—her father was a military man and happened to be Daeyeol's commander.

The revelation added a new layer of complexity to their already perilous situation.

Together, Y/n and Daeyeol embarked on a journey filled with uncertainty, danger, and unexpected alliances.

Little did they know, their paths would intertwine in ways they could never have imagined, as they fought to survive in a world consumed by darkness and the burning desire to "Burn It" all.

A/n: I don't know... Haystttt....


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