The Ghost Whip

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Me- song time! Guys, It's the new title theme!
Lloyd- it's finally here!
Morro- you mean the Ghost whip, right?
Me- yes I do.
Kai- it's here?
Me- yes, now hurry up.
Nya- I'm coming.
Lloud- on my way!
Zane- coming.
(Halfway through)
Lloyd- Oh. My. Freakin. Gosh. This is awesome! ( starts bobbing head)
Kai- Morro, I hate you a little less now, since you have possessed our theme song, AND MADE IT WAY BETTER!
Morro- Umm, thanks Kai. Why is it we hate each other?
Kai- Umm you kidnapped Lloyd and possessed him.
Me- guys it's gettin to the good part.
(End)( everyone claps)( also Kai doesn't have Morro anymore)
Lloyd- ( his hair looks like it was blown by wind, then gelled) GOOD! GREAT! AWESOME! OUTSTANSING! AMAZING!!!!

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