ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 7

137 9 0

I sat in the chair for a little bit. I didn't know what to do.

He probably did that for shock value or to trend on Twitter. There is no way he meant to do that in front of ten thousand people.

What am I supposed to do now? Talk to him and pretend that that stupid head kiss meant nothing to me?

I found the courage to lift myself from the chair and head into the kitchen. I heard something sizzling and a delightful smell coming from the stove.

"Hey," Schaltt grinned. "You hungry?"

I grinned as Jambo trotted around in circles around his owner's feet, meowing repeatedly.

"Jambo, I fed you 5 minutes ago. You're not starving."

"No, I'm not." I slid into the stool and rested my elbows on the granite island. "I can see why you like streaming so much. I had a blast."

The biting resumes as I recall the head kiss and the way my cheeks heated up.

"Yeah, my fans like you." He flipped the grilled cheese one more time. "You sure you don't want anything?"

I checked my phone, 3:17 pm. "I'll probably head home around 7:00 and eat something then. I think my sister made pasta last night."

Schlatt turned off the burner and transferred his grilled cheese onto a paper plate. He stood across from me and bit into the sandwich, the cheese pull was elite.

"Damn, you know how to make a grilled don't you?" I lean forward and put my chin in my right palm. "Looks good."

Schlatt nodded as he chewed. "Is haat. " He fanned his mouth. "But gooh."

I giggle and continue to watch him eat. 

I could do this all day if I wanted to.

I straightened my posture and cleared my throat. 

"I should probably get going." I slapped my palms on the granite. "I've been here for like, 3 hours already."

Schlatt shook his head, chewing faster to get a word in. "Why? You aren't bothering anyone."

I need to get away from you or I will eat myself alive. 

My mouth went into a straight line as I weighed out the pros and cons of this situation. On one hand, I get to spend more time with Schlatt. 

On the other hand, I have to spend more time with Schlatt. 

"I mean...if I'm not bothering anyone I guess I can stick around a little bit more," I say quietly and slide back into my seat. 

"Good. We can talk more." Schlatt leans his huge frame onto the counter. 

I try my hardest not to stare at his biceps but good God. I am convinced they're bigger than my face. 

"Do you work out?" I blurt out and clear my throat immediately. "Sorry, that came out of nowhere-"

Schlatt smiled and chuckled. "Yeah, I'm trying to get into it." He shrugged. "I've had super high blood pressure recently." He coughed and groaned. "Fuck me I hate getting sick." 

I scoot back a little bit but deep down inside, if I was immune to disease, I would be all over him taking care of him. 

"I feel you." I nod. "The only thing you can do is wait it out at this point."

"Yeah, but I have no energy when I'm sick." Schlatt tossed his plate away and put his face in his palms. "My fucking face is all congested too."

I shoved my hands in between my thighs and looked at my feet.

Don't say it, don't say it, don't say it, don't say it, don't say it

"I could um...massage your temples." My face heats up just from the thought. "For you. If you want. Um...my sister, Korine, used to get pretty sick often as a kid and I used to massage her face and it helped loosen everything up-" 

Schlatt smiled and I shut up real quick. 

"I swear you let me go on these rants because I look like a moron when I do." I furrow my brows and try to hide my embarrassment. 

"Quite the opposite." He straightens up and cocks his head to the side. "We can watch something while you do?"

"Oh." My eyebrows shoot up. "I didn't think you'd say yes."

"I'll take anything at this point." He coughed and sniffled. "I just don't want to get you sick."

"As long as you aren't sneezing all over me I'll be fine."


I sat down on his couch and he sat down on the floor in front of me. I scooted to the edge of the couch and he rested his middle back onto my shins. 

"What do you want to watch?"

"Korine and I used to watch The Lorax when I did this for her."

Schlatt put The Lorax on Netflix and relaxed his shoulders.

I washed my hands close to 10 times to ensure there were the least germs before touching his face. As the movie started, I began at the base of his hairline and made circles around his crown.

"Oh my God." He whispered and I felt the biting in my spine. 

Fuck I hope my hands aren't sweaty.

"How long has it been since you last dated someone?" I ask, my fingers making small circles on his temples with medium pressure. His head tips back slightly. 

"Uh, 3 years." Schlatt scratched the back of his head. "I haven't even gone on dates with anyone in those 3 years except for you." 

I feel my nerves cease and I take a deep breath. "You made fun of me at ECLIPSE when I told you I hadn't dated in 2 years." My fingers moved to his cheek area where they created big Us. I started from his temples and slid them to the sides of his nose. Schlatt tipped his head back more, a goofy smile on his face as I performed the massage. 

"This feels great." He hums. "I didn't make fun of you, Olive."

"Yes, you did!" I kick his back softly. "You said I was the virgin!"

"I still believe that." He chuckled. "I mean look at you."

I scoff dramatically. "That's it! I'm not massaging your face anymore!"

"Darn!" Schlatt slapped his knee. "Forgive me, dearest Olive."

I cross my arms and divert my attention to the movie. Schlatt scoots down a bit so that when he leans his head back, it's on my upper knee section. 

My body lights up in the worst way possible. 

I clear my throat and scoot back a bit.

"Where are you going?" Schlatt questions, his head sliding down. "Where's my head going to go?"

"Anywhere but my legs," I respond with no sense of humor in my voice. I can't let this "crush" develop into something. I'm not even sure if it's a crush; Schlatt gives me attention and I like it, and vice versa. It's not that deep.

"Yo, chill out." Schlatt gets up and sits beside me. "You better be nice to me or else I'll cough on you."

I try not to smile. I try to tame the butterflies flapping wildly in my stomach. I try not to think about Schlatt's head in my lap as I massage his face to help his congestion. I'd look like a girlfriend if I did that. I don't want that. It's seriously not that deep.


Please tell me it's not that deep and I won't be thinking about his smile or his biceps or his laugh before I go to sleep.

Sɪᴄᴋ⁻⁻Jsᴄʜʟᴀᴛᴛ//Fᴇᴍ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें