Chapter 8

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(Tom) So, do you remember what tomorrow is?

(Marco) what's tomorrow?

(Tom) the blood moon ball I asked you weeks ago on joining me

(Marco) oh no, oh no oh no *running to closet* i don't think I even have anything to wear

(Tom) Marco *laughing* it's ok you can wear the same suit you had on the last blood moon you joined me in

(Marco) *pulling out suit* this one? I did have a mask with it just so I blended in

(Tom) well I'm sure you'll do fine, besides I'm going in the suit I had when I went with star

(Marco) I'll need to fix my hair and make sure this suit even still fits *tripping in closet* woah

(Tom) *laughing* Marco relax your being so cute right now, but you'll do fine tomorrow night. I know you will

(Marco) you're right

(Star) *opening bedroom door* Marco, is everything alright?

(Marco) Yeah, star, I tripped in the closet

(Star) oh hi Tom

(Tom) hey Star

(Star) what are you guys up to?

(Tom) getting ready for the blood moon ball tomorrow

(Star) that's right it is tomorrow, have fun

(Marco) we will

- blood moon ball -

(Marco) *sitting in carriage with tom* my parents don't really know yet about us

(Tom) that's fine, mine don't either even if it's only been a week, we can wait till we're ready

(Marco) are you nervous about any of this?

(Tom) a little but hey I'm here to reassure you everything will be fine you'll do great

(Marco) thank you *getting out of carriage walking to dance*

(Tom) do you remember the first dance here?

(Marco) you shoved me to the ground because I danced with star

(Tom) yeah, when the light of the blood moon shines through the crescent-shaped skylight, it will select two people and "bind their souls together for eternity" I know you and star didn't really last but hey it's worth a shot if it works for us

(Marco) will see

"The dance shall now begin"

(Tom) *dancing with marco* I see why star had a great time dancing with you

(Marco) she didn't even know it was me till I said her name and told her it was me

(Tom) *spinning marco* well your dancing great

*blood mood shining down on Tom and Marco*

(Marco) it worked

(Tom) I told you it would *dancing around* we've got this

(Marco) I've actually enjoyed this with you Tom

(Tom) I've enjoyed it with you too Marco, this is the best last blood moon I got to attend with you

(Marco) our souls are binded

(Tom) you did great tonight

(Marco) care to join me for nachos after the dance?

(Tom) I'd love too *hugging marco* let's enjoy this right now

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