Chapter 9

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(Jackie) *knocking on Diaz family door*

(Rafael) hello welcome in jackie

(Jackie) hello Mr.Diaz Mrs.Diaz

(Angie) Jackie welcome, we're so happy you could visit

(Jackie) it's great to see you both, where's Marco and Star?

(Angie) they should be upstairs

(Mariposa) mama bruber?

(Jackie) hi Mariposa

(Angie) he's upstairs sweetie

(Jackie) *walking upstairs* yo Marco?

(Marco) Jackie? *running over to open door*

(Star) Jackie Lynn Thomas

(Jackie) hey guys

(Marco) Jackie what a surprise

(Star) Jackie *hugging jackie*

(Jackie) hey Star

(Marco) how was France?

(Jackie) it's been great I love it, I've missed you guys and echo creek

(Star) echo creek misses you too

(Jackie) I can't believe you guys graduate in a few weeks already

(Marco) yeah time sure has flown by

(Tom) *jumping through portal* babe I brought your favorite snacks

(Jackie) oh your boyfriends here Star

(Tom) huh?

(Marco) about that

(Star) Jackie Tom's not my boyfriend, we actually broke up awhile back

(Jackie) then is Tom talking to you Marco?

(Marco) surprise Tom and I are dating

(Jackie) that's cool man, I'm happy for you

(Marco) thank you

(Tom) thanks Jackie

(Star) what's your plan after France?

(Jackie) I plan on going to college but I love skateboarding

(Star) that's great

(Jackie) what about you guys?

(Marco) I'm working with sensi Brantley at the dojo as my part time job till i have any college plans

(Star) well their is also the thoughts of Marco becoming my squire in mewnie once I am queen

(Jackie) that's great

(Star) it's when Marco is ready but I'd be happy to have my best friend at my side

(Tom) *placing arm around marco* would you care to join us for a movie Jackie?

(Jackie) let's do it

(Marco) I've got popcorn *running downstairs*

(Star) I'll get nachos *running with marco*

(Tom) how are things?

(Jackie) my ex girlfriend and I separated after two years due to differences in school so we didn't have alot of time to spend with each other so we thought it would be better as friends

(Tom) sorry to hear that happened with the two of you

(Jackie) it's ok, so when did you and Marco end up dating?

(Tom) a few weeks ago actually, I had these feelings for Marco for some time after each of us went through we were so close as breakup buddies as Kelly calls us but we slowly spent more time together

(Jackie) that's sweet, you know I always thought something might happen between you two but I'm happy for the two of you

(Tom) thank you

(Star) *running up into room* I've got nachos

(Tom) awesome

(Marco) *running behind star* I'm here with the popcorn

(Jackie) great

(Star) *turning on movie* here we go

(Marco) *cuddling with tom*

(Jackie) I missed this with you guys

(Star) your always welcome to join us

(Jackie) I'd be happy too

(Marco) these are always fun

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