Chapter 5

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I opened my eyes as the light hit my face. My world was blurry. But there was a certain weight on my chest. Coconut smell filled my nostrils and I felt soft fingers on my face. I process for a moment. What happened? I look down after clearing my vision and the sight somehow caught me off gaurds.

My body was smashed with the body of.... Kinza. Her head was on my chest and her fingers were on my cheeks. And no she was not the only one hugging. I was holding her so close , so tightly as if my life depends on her.

I stare at her face. She is soft , her features are soft execpt of her eyes. Her eyes are fire. Her lips are full and have soft shade of pink . Her cheekbones are perfect with her naturally glowing skin. Her hairs are long and thin. They are black but they have natural brown shade too. I don't know how long I have observed her to know all these things. Maybe long enough.

My jaw clenched. I wanted to throw her off. I wanted to keep hey away from me. As far as possible. But I can't seem to do that. I can't seem to ignore the warmness she gives off.

She groaned softly as the sunlight hit her face . I just stare at her face . I stare at her when she rub her eyes, I stare at her face when she picked herself up and sat on the bed. I kept staring at her when she look at the morning shine. Unlike most people she didn't smile and welcome the new day.

She had the look on her face that tell that, she is again living. Just living.... She turn her face towards me, as her eyes widened. Her full lips parted.

" You are awake Nomi, good morning. What would you like to eat " She said smiling towards me. I just stare at her. It was a real smile. The very real. The one that shines brightly. Suddenly my heart start to beat. My heart start to beat really fast. The heart that can't beat anymore.

She frown and tilted her head to look at me.

" Oh my.. You are... Nouman the devil Khan "

She asked pointing towards me. I didn't move rather I stare at her. What is she doing with me? What the actual hell?

Without saying anything I got up from the damn bed that now smells like her. I glare at her not because I was angry, it was as if it's a habit now. She raised her eye brow as I went towards the bathroom.

" Hey there's a thing that people say when someone helps them " She shouted from outside. I sighed looking at myself in the mirror.

" A THANK YOU " She again shouted before I hear her closing the door of my bedroom behind her. I meet my eyes in the mirror looking at many reflections in the mirror. I wanted to be me just once. Look in the mirror and only look at myself. Not anyone else.

After getting fresh , I walked out of the bathroom, the towel around my lower part. I hear my phone ringing as I picked up the call.

" What? " I asked

" They attacked " The other voice said. Darkness took over my vision as I sigh.

" I'm coming " I said cutting off the phone call.

I was about to move and grab my suit when I heard.

" Oh ho, you got a hot Body " I snapped my head towards the door where she was standing leaning against the door. Her arms wrapped over her chest. She smirked.

" What are you doing here babygirl? You have a kink of looking at half naked man. " I asked without much expressions. Her smirk didn't flattered rather she took steps closer to me.

People maintain ten feet distance from me if I give them the look I'm giving her right now and here she is looking straight in my eyes that too with a smirk. Impressive.

Kinza - The Dark Love Where stories live. Discover now