Officially Yours

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The courtroom buzzed with anticipation as Alex, Everly, and Zack took their seats. Zack adjusted his tie nervously, while Alex held Everly's hand tightly, offering reassurance with a gentle smile. The judge entered, and the room fell silent.

"Good morning," the judge began, eyeing the trio warmly.

"We're here today for the adoption of Everly Gaskarth by her stepfather Mr. Zachary Gaskarth is that correct?" She said warmly.

"Yes your honor." Zack said clearly, and confidently.

He was trying to follow every direction their adoption lawyer gave them.

"Are both parties ready to proceed?" The judge  asked looking to Zack and then Everly respectively.

"Yes ma'am." Everly said with a smile.

"Yes your honor." Zack said with the same energy.

Beside them, Alex looked on eagerly, his heart pounding with anticipation. This was a big moment for him too. He never thought he would find a partner willing to adopt and love Everly the way she deserves.

The proceedings commenced with legal formalities, confirming Zack's suitability as a parent.

It was time for testimonies to be heard, they are meant to detail the bond between Zack and Everly, the love and care he had provided since they became a family.

The judge looked to Jack, who was called to provide testimony on Zack's behalf.

"Mr. Barakat, could you please testify to Mr. Zachary Gaskarth's  skills as a parent and his relationship with Everly?"The judge asked kindly.

Jack smiled reassuring at Zack. A silent promise that he had his best friends back.

"Absolutely, Your Honor. Zack has been like a rock for Everly since the beginning. I remember one time when Alex had an emergency babysitting situation, where Everly preschool was closing unexpectedly and Alex needed a babysitter for Everly. Zack didn't hesitate for a second; he stepped in  and offered to help without any questions asked, form that day in really, he was taking care of her like she was his own. It was clear to me then, and it's even clearer now, how much love Zack has for Everly." Jack said as he smiled proudly.

The judge smiled at the family sitting in her courtroom.

"Thank you, Mr. Barakat. Your testimony is invaluable." She said plainly.

Jack nodded. "Thank you, your honor."

Next Rian was asked to provide testimony.

"Mr. Dawson, could you please share your thoughts on Mr. Zachary Gaskarth's character as a parent and his relationship with his stepdaughter Everly?"

Rian smiled at the judge before he spoke.

"Of course, Your Honor.  To be frank, Zack has been an incredible presence in Alex and Everly's lives. From the moment he entered their lives, he made Everly feel welcomed and loved. They had a rough start  but they took then time to nurture their relationship. I remember a particular incident last year, Everly was feeling anxious about a school event, her kindergarten recital, and Zack spent hours helping her prepare, singing all the songs with her and practicing how to walk in the big costume she had to wear. Zack always shows patience and understanding."

Rian paused as his eyes met everly's... his god-daughter. The little girl he loved practically as his own. He saw her smiling at him and he smiled back. Incredibly proud of her.

"I'm grateful that someone like Zack came into Alex and Everly's life, bringing so much joy and stability." He concluded.

The Judge smiled. "Thank you, Mr. Dawson. Your testimony paints a vivid picture of Mr. Gaskarth's dedication as a parent."

As the evidence was presented, Zack couldn't help but steal glances at Everly, his heart swelling with pride. Alex squeezed his hand, silently conveying hisnsupport. Finally, it was time for the judge's decision.

"After careful consideration, it is clear that Mr. Zachary Gaskarth is a loving and capable parent," The judge declared.

"Therefore, I hereby grant the petition for adoption. Congratulations, Mr. Gaskarth. Everly is officially and legally your daughter. You will receive instructions on how to file for a new birth certificate and any other legal filings required." She concluded with a warm smile.

Tears welled up in Alex's eyes as Zack enveloped Everly in a tight embrace, overwhelmed with emotion.

"WE DID IT DAD! WE DID IT!" Everly cried out as Zack embraced her.

Zack smiled at her and kissed the top of her head. "We sure did. Thank you for letting  me adopt you. I love you so much my sweet sweet daughter."

The courtroom erupted in applause as Zack, Alex, and Everly shared a triumphant hug, the weight of years of uncertainty finally lifted.

Amidst the joyous atmosphere, Zack leaned in to kiss Alex, his heart overflowing with love and gratitude for the family they had become.

"Fuck I love you." Zack said as he buried his head in his husband's shoulder after their sweet kiss.

"I love you too. So glad that our family is finally complete."Alex said with a sigh of relief.

As they embraced, Zack knew that this was just the beginning of their beautiful journey together as a whole official unit.


"So earlier today, you said something  and it has been bothering me all day." Zack said to Alex as they did the dishes together. Resetting the house for the week.

Alex went wide eyed. "Oh no. I am so sorry... how did I fuck up now?"

Zack sighed, putting the plate he was holding into the dishwasher.

"You said you are glad that our family is finally complete. What if it's not...." Zack trailed off nervously, scared to approach the subject.

"Zack baby... spit it out. Please." Alex said softly.

"I want another kid. I want us to have a baby. I want Everly to have a sibling. I just feel like we aren't complete yet." Zack said a bit rushed, where the Alex would reject him before he could finish his sentence.

Alex smiled softly. "Breathe honey. Please."

" I just feel like I really missed out on all those first with Everly and I really would like a chance to experience them. I know you have done all of them already... You got your experience with Everly. You got to experience her first laugh, her first steps, you went through all the diaper changing. I never got to experience that and I would really love to do it with you. I also respect if you don't want to  do it again because we have the perfect daughter already." Zack said, Alex sense him Spiraling once again.

Alex leaned in and kissed Zack. A sweet and subtle attempt to shut his husband up. Zack returned the kiss, But pulled back after a moment.

"Babe. I am serious. Please." Zack begged.

"Zack... Honey... of course we can have another kid. I would love to make new memories with you. When I was raising Evie, I really did a lot of it alone. It would be nice to do it over again with somebody I  love and care about. Change the whole experience... instead of being a young single dad who is afraid." Alex whispered.

Zack's face light up. "Really?"

Alex grinned at his husband. "Of course honey. Let's do it. We go together or we don't go down at all."

With that final agreement Zack leaned in and kissed Alex. A sign of them sealing their future. A silent agreement to continue to raise and grow their family together.

We Go Together Or We Don't Go Down At AllWhere stories live. Discover now