Chapter 1:

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It was a regular day for the land of Dreamswap.
Birds were singing. Flowers were blooming, but what could possibly go wrong?

Dream was in his office, looking at the paper work, when suddenly Ink came into the room. "Yes Ink? Need something?" Dream asked politely. This wasn't uncommon for Ink to come in and ask for something or just talk to Dream, but he wasn't ever annoying...Unlike somebody.

"Hey boss, you know how we have to many prisoners?"

"...I mean, I don't like that we do. But yes. Why?"

"Well I just had an idea, why don't we...Store some of them somewhere? In a cornucopia, for example, design for them to never get out unless they win a game." Ink said. When he was in Panem, the talk of the game was a regular occurrence, but here. It seemed unfamiliar, scary even.

Dream seemed to want to brush Ink off, but something about this...Caught his ear. "Mind explaining?" Dream asked, I mean it was Ink. His 2nd in command, surely if he had an idea, it must have more meaning to it.

And boy. It did.
Ink went on to explain his idea, which he used all the knowledge of the Hunger Games from his previous life.
As he explained, Blue walked in. "Hi angel!"
Blue said joyously, as Dream groaned into his small work pillow.

"Hello Blue." He said in the pillow.
"Why so glum today hun? I think today's perfect!" Blue said with his- their signature smirk on their face.

"It was perfect." Dream responded as he took his face off the small pillow.
"Blue, can you leave?" Dream asked, trying to remain respectful, even if it had a hint of annoyance.
"Oh c'mon, don't kick me out yet!" Blue whined. "I will and am." Dream said before he pointed to the door and Blue huffed before obliging. Leaving the room.

As he walked through the JR halls, he soon made it to the outside, where he continued his little stroll, before his eyes laid on a horrid, ugly, cat. It seemed to be in rough shape, their fur was even tattered. Blue was about to walk by before he heard it meow...Okay, he couldn't take it.

He crept down and began to pet the cat, awe-ing at its inner cuteness.
He found it very similar to another cat. One he had back home.

He fed it some crackers he had stored in his pocket, and fed it to the cat before he got up and tried to walk away. Much to the chagrin of the cat, who followed Blue, meowing.

Blue tried to either shoo the cat, or atleast ignore it.
After a bit, he gave up and accepted he now had a cat.

After the pair were infront of Blue's house, Blue went to his pantry and got some more food for the cat, he owned a cat before so he knew it could digest certain normal foods if prepared correctly.

Once he served the food to the cat, they seemed pacified, thankfully.
He probably would need to check with a vet though to truly make sure they were okay. Blue might aswell just go to his room and read.

But then, when Blue entered his room, a thought cross Blue's mind.
Ink seemed a bit...Strange.
Sure he's always weird, but Blue knew something, something that no one else did, and vise versa. So why was Ink in such a rush to leave?

Blue tried to think, but nothing made sense, so he decided to drop the topic from his mind. And just grab his favorite book, and read.
But the thought didn't leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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