6. Close Call

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"We have to be more careful "  a woman said  clearly annoyed with something

"And what the hell you want us to do huh!"  A pissed man raised his voice at her

"She is right we can't afford for her to get more information than she already has" another lady folded her arms

"We are scientists not superheroes or manhunters if we want  back experiment 01 Ember back you gonna have to come  up with something"  another man stood aggravated at the predicament

"If  the higher ups find out  that  we still haven't  caught her or that she is freeing other experiments they will have our heads!" The lady said to the others

"You are right , if you all haven't got experiment  01 in the next  3 months I will  make you all my next experiment or even kill you!"  A woman clearly angry with all of them

"Rebecca  we were not expecting you  at all today  ma'am we have everything under control"  A man from earlier said stuttering at some point

"You better! I will not have years of research go to waste and I remind you neither will my husband!" Rebecca was pissed  and the scientists in that room didn't want to get on her bad side well worst side

"We are doing everything we can Mrs.Dawn but with experiment 01 we fear she might release the information she already has"  someone told her and that caused Rebecca to grin

"You are foolish Ember wouldn't even think to do such a thing"  Rebecca said knowing the control she had on the girl

"She wouldn't risk telling a single soul if she knew what best for her and if she comes back willingly I might be nice" Rebecca started laughing like she had gone mad which frightened everyone in the room

||  Justice League  Watchtower||
||Superman's Pov ||

System:  Incoming call from              Metropolis Medical Center

System: Incoming call from Metropolis Medical Center

Superman: What is going on?

Doctor: We are being attacked!

Superman: By how many are there

Doctor: One but we suspect she has
               help  from the  outside             

Superman: Are they any patients inside

Doctor: They were all  transfered                this morning

Superman:  We are on our way

"Who would attack a medical  center "  Green lantern seed me and honestly I don't know who would

"I have no idea but we should be able to handle them" I told them since it was one  known person me and green lantern could handle it

"My thoughts exactly"  Green lantern  agreed  honestly why a hospital

|| Metropolis Medical Center || 
||Phoenix's Pov ||

This was easy almost to easy  normally they could have this place and others filled with security and others like me I guessed they knew I was coming here which isn't a good sign and that made things even more confusing

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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