Chapter 3

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"Who gave you that little present?"

"Isn't that in the territory of possessiveness?" I tentatively ask but she stares me down at me, waiting for me to answer.

"It was Lizzie, Elizabeth Olsen." Is all I say and she climbs off me and puts more clothes on.

"Did you fuck her?"

"No but again if I did you don't get a say Felicity!" I raise my voice now. I get up to brush my teeth to cool down. We get in these arguments every time she knows I've kissed, slept or just went on a date with another woman.

It's pretty tame sometimes but there are times when we really get to screaming and she ends up slapping or once's she straight up punched me. She gave me a black eye for about a week. She was so upset with herself I had to hold her till she stopped crying.

I know this situation we have is very toxic but I don't have the strength to tell her I'm done. "I do when you are sleeping with me!"

I spit out the toothpaste and rinse my mouth. "Then did you sleep with that other guy? Because if that's your reasoning then I have every right to be possessive over you!" I say walking towards her angrily.

She doesn't step away or cower because she knows I'd never hurt her even after she punched me I took it and didn't even feel the urge to punch her as a man should always act.

"You always expect me to just stay this single sad sack of a man while you're out having these other relationships with the douchebags! I'm sick of it Felicity you are being a selfish bitch!"

Once again I didn't see it coming her fist hitting my face. I stumble back, "Damn it."

She gasps, "Y/N...I'm s-sorry." I can hear her starting to cry. This was a harder punch than last time. She also hit my nose and so I feel the blood running down my lip.

I hold my nose and turn back to the bathroom. Grabbing tissues holding them to my nose. I've always been a heavy nose bleeder.

"Y/N...let me help." I flinch away this time.

"No, just leave."

She freezes confused by my words. I've never once told her to leave. "You k-know I didn't m-mean to h-hurt you."

"I know and I shouldn't have called you a bitch but I need you to get out." I say through the tissues. She nods wiping the tears from her eyes.

"O-okay, I'll give you some space. I'll call you to-"

"No, I'll call you when I'm ready." I say sternly and she looks shocked at me but nonetheless grabs her bag and shoes walks out the bedroom door. I clean up the blood carefully shoving some tissue up my nose and I hear her call for a car and 15 minutes later the front door shuts.

"Fuck!" I scream out and throw the nearest object which is sadly my phone and chuck it at the wall. It shatters against the wall which means I can't call in sick tomorrow. I have to show up looking like this. Great...

The next day...

I pull up on my motorcycle just as Lizzie is pulling in. Perfect, didn't really want her to see me like this. I was hoping to get in and show the directors my face and they'd let me have the next couple days off. I hop off the bike keeping my helmet on walking away from the parking lot to the set.

"Y/N! Wait up!" Her angelic voice makes me slow down. She reaches me but I don't take my helmet off.

"Feeling the helmet look today?"

I laugh but it's muffled by my helmet. "How about you take it off and give me a kiss."

Damn it can keep it on now. I really want to kiss her but I don't want her to think I don't want to. Well here it goes I take it off and she gasps, "Y/N! What happened?"

"Would you believe me if I say I walked into a door?" I say putting a smile on my face. She shakes her head at me with worry still in her eyes.

"Can't I tell you about it after I see if I can get the day off so the make up crew doesn't have to deal with this mess."

"Of course meet me in my trailer, I don't have to get ready until a little later." She kisses my jaw I look down in surprise that she's already showing me affection in public. She walks towards the trailers and I'm still standing there stunned.

I realize where I am so I snap out of it keeping my head down till I reach the office for the directors and producers. I take a deep breath and walk in. I get many stares from assistants and eventually reach Lesli and she looks up.

"Oh my gosh, Y/N what happened?"

"I was a half asleep and ran into my bathroom door. I was wondering if you needed me for the next couple days? I tried putting a something on it this morning but it hurts like a bitch."

She examines my face for a second and then says, "No, we are good for a couple days we will do some of Lizzie's and Patrick's scenes while the swelling and coloring goes away. Go home and put some ice on that."

I nod thanking her and she pats my should as I walk out again keeping my head down. I debate not going to Lizzie's trailer but she makes me feel calm and comfortable.

I reach her trailer knocking in case she's changing not even five seconds later she opens the door. "Y/N, did Lesli give you the day off?"

She says allowing me to come in. "Yeah well more like a few so the swelling and coloring comes down."

She pulls me to sit in the couch with her and she keeps ahold of my hand. "That's good. What happened after you left?"

I sit quietly for a minute trying to decide if I should tell her about Felicity and everything. I feel her start lightly rubbing patterns on my hand. It instantly relaxes me.

"Um you should know that I have been off and on sleeping with Felicity Jones in secret for the last few years. She won't commit to me fully or openly in fear of her reputation because I'm younger than her."  I worry she's going to be mad and yell at me but she nods and still holds my hand.

"Okay, well it's like I said she's an idiot to not want to show you off and be with you fully. But how does that explain the black eye?" She says and I smile again at her comment.

"Well, she was the one calling me last night. So she knows that when I don't answer her right away I'm out with someone on a date or whatever. She was at my house when I got home and she was upset about me being on a date. She's very possessive of me but we've had this conversation so many times that we've fought about it.

Plus it got worse when she saw the little gift you left on my neck. It got heated I may have called her a selfish bitch earning me a punch to the face."

"Y/N...why are you still involving yourself in this kind of toxic relationship?" She asks and I look down at our clasped hands.

"I care very deeply for her and we have fun but I have asked her multiple times to try with me but she won't."

I know I changed the I love Felicity to caring deeply for her. But last night I felt myself actually start to hate her.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when Lizzie says, "She's hurting you, no matter how much you care about someone or how much fun you have it doesn't mean you should keep that person in your life."

I nod reaching my hand up to her face stroking her cheek bone. "I know, last night was the first time I made her leave. I understand if you don't want to be involved with me now. But I do want you to know you make me feel things I've never felt before."

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