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I watched Akio lovingly rock Satsuki to sleep and I grimaced at the smell. I know that her father is an alpha from another pack but, I can' tell which one.

Akio caught my gaze and gave me a warm tender smile and it simply took my breath away.

I have rarely seen this side of him and it makes me feel good seeing him like this.

I was surprised when Miss Taisen asked us to raise her and because of the war between packs I wanted to refuse but, one look at akio said that he wanted to take care of her.

I know that we can never have kids and it kills me that I have denied him the chance to be a father and amazingly the chance to be father was handed to us and I feel sorry for Akio's aunt.

She must have suffered greatly and I know that the reason Akio took her in was because he knows how it feels to be fatherless and then sadly motherless.

Satsuki yawned and Akio flopped next to me and said,"Isn't she the most beautiful thing in this whole world?"

I nodded and he gave me a tender look and gave me a kiss. He hopped up and went to put her in her crib and I put my hand over my face.

Ever since we adopted her he's been nothing but, smiles and kisses for me. If I had known being a father meant so much we would have adopted much earlier.

Whenever I go to work I feel I worry about him and when I do arrive dinner is already made and he gives me a warm kiss and says,"Welcome."

It makes me feel at ease and makes me feel as if Akio has forgotten about his shyness and is in bliss being a father.

"Dada!" I froze and looked down at Satsuki and then rubbed my eyes. Akio and I must be imagining things. The lost amount of sleep is damaging our brains.

"DADA!" She said much louder this time and I picked her up and Akio squealed,"She said Dada! She called you dada!"

I felt the warm glow of fatherhood set in and It was a gentle glow and It was amplified by the look Akio gave us.

"Papa!" She reached towards Akio and he rushed forward and I saw the small dark circles under his eyes and I grimaced.

He must be sleep deprived. "Papa!" She hugged Akio and he smiled.

"When did she start calling you papa?" I asked and he said,"Last week. I was so overjoyed and I even taped it! Do you want to see it?"

Akio scrambled over to the living room and put in a disc and sat down beside me and Satsuki crawled around.

"She's getting so big." He commented and I had to agree with him.

She is about a year and a half old now and I can see that she hears better than humans already and she isn't even five yet!

For example she knows when i'm leaving because I can hear her softly calling,"Daddy. Daddy."

However whenever Akio tries to leave to buy groceries she begins to cry like a siren loud and nonstop and she cried,"Papa! Papa!! No! Papa! PAPA!!"

I would have to rock her have to constantly reassure her that he was coming back and when he did come back she would wail,"Papa!"

Akio would quickly stick things in the fridge and pick her up away from me and rock her and she would fall asleep.

He would put her to bed and sit beside me on the couch and say,"I love you Kaoru."

I would kiss him until Satsuki would begain wailing,"Papa!"

In a flash Akio would be gone and tending to Satsuki. It's amazing how having a kid can change so many things.

The war is only starting up and we are going to have another meeting in a few days. I'm no longer worried about the father finding us because he hasn't shown up at all in these months and Akio is a quarter god and holds more power than he lets on.

When I left for the meeting Akio gave me a tender kiss and then a passionate one and said,"You better be back on time. If you aren't I'm going to disney land with Satsuki and we will go without you!"

How cute can he be?

I left him and when I made it at the meeting faust was there and I morphed and I could finally smell it.

Satsuki's real father smell me too and I saw him bear his fangs and his teeth sank into my flank and I snapped and snarled and I bit the mans neck and I became aware of chuckling.

We broke apart both our mouths were covered in blood and he rasped,"Where is she? Where is my daughter?"

"Ask her mother. Oh wait you killed her so you can't can you?"

The whole room became deathly quiet and I knew that I had him cornered. an ALPHA cannot harm a human and he killed one.

ALL the wolves turned on him and I could see that he was running out of options.

"By the authority of all the alpha's here we hereby banish you from society and take your pack from you."

He growled,"How dare you think that you can banish me?! When I become king I will do whatever I please!"

WE all pounced on him and half killed him and his pack members were equally distributed between us.

I took seven members and so did everybody else and when I went home my shoulders were aching from all the bites and my legs as well and it was eerie because one of the members from the Metine pack that swore his loyaly to me is making sure that i'm safe.

When I got home Akio gave me a kiss and Satsuki gave me a hug and he saw my new follower and asked,"You brought a friend over for dinner?"

"Please come in. I'm Akio and this is Satsuki." I saw that my follower was amazed with the way Akio was and I couldn't help feeling a little angry that he was looking at my mate in such a way.

AKio was wonderful he made sure everyone was well fed before putting Satsuki to bed and I promptly kicked my new follower out.

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