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Suprise!!! Another update!!! Hehehe♥️


Jin and Taehyung arrived at the mansion, expecting to find Yoongi already home. "Jungkook, is Yoongi upstairs?"

Jungkook, who was seated in the living room, seemed unaware of Yoongi's whereabouts. "Huh? No, he's not back yet."

"What? But he got off the bus before us. He should have been here by now." Tae said as he and Jin exchanged worried glances, realizing that Yoongi hadn't reached home despite leaving the bus earlier.

"Something might have happened on his way back. Jungkook, can you track his mobile?" Jin asked, hoping to locate him.

"Sure, I'll check."

Taehyung nodded in agreement, "Yeah, if his phone's still on, we can find him easily." He said.

"Got it. Let me check." Jungkook nodded and started his work.

He quickly tracked Yoongi's phone, his fingers flying over the keyboard as he worked to pinpoint the location. After a few tense minutes, he finally succeeded, locating his phone nearby.

"Hyung, I found his phone. It's nearby," he announced, his expression serious. "We can get there quickly if we take the car."

Jin nodded, his concern evident with each passing second. "Let's go," he replied, his voice firm as he gestured for Taehyung to follow. "We need to find him as soon as possible."

Jin's heart raced as he drove with Taehyung by his side. Each passing moment only heightened his concern for Yoongi. Finally, they arrived at the location given by Jungkook's tracking.

Exiting the car, Jin examined the area, his nerves on edge. "Is this the right place?" Taehyung's question echoed his hyung's own thoughts.

Jin nodded grimly. "Yes, this is the place," he confirmed, his voice low and tense. "We need to find him quickly."

His heart pounded fast as he followed the locator's signal in his phone, each step heavier as it finally made him stand infront of the basement's door.

Taking a deep breath, he called out, "Yoongi!", his voice echoing in the night. Taehyung joined in, their combined voices piercing the silence, "Yoongi hyung!" but there was no response, only the quietness of the surroundings.

With no sign of Yoongi, Jin and Taehyung exchanged a look. Without hesitation, they attempted to break down the door.

After several forceful strikes, the door gave way, splintering as it collapsed inward.

As they entered the darkened room, they heard faint murmurs of someone.

Taehyung took his phone and flickered it to life, casting a glow across the room. They followed the sound until the phone's light fell upon a trembling form, huddled in the corner, his face buried in his knees.

It was Yoongi.

Relief washed over them at the sight of the mafia, but it was quickly overshadowed by concern for his obvious distress.

Jin's voice cut through the tension-filled air, filled with concern and urgency as he called out, "Yoongi!"

But before they could reach him, Yoongi retrieved a dagger from his pocket, his hands trembling as he shouted and stuttered, "S-Stay back! Don't come a-any closer!"

Jin and Taehyung froze in shock, their eyes wide at Yoongi's sudden aggression.

"Yoongi, it's us. It's Jin and Tae. We're here to help." Jin said, trying to help him.

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