//part one//

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the primordial sea water didn't make freminet disappear but it cost damages to his body but freminet decided not to tell anyone about it.

This might be freminet angst? Not really sure to be honest.

-fluff and bit of angst?


Possible spoilers for genshin impact!

And grammar and spelling mistakes!

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Everything seems to be alright with freminet, the primordial sea water didn't make freminet disappear, which was good so they didn't expect to have any other damages. freminet didn't tell that anything was gone, he was panicking, which was normal and a bit of short of breath but nothing else was wrong for now. "I'm glad that, you're okay freminet!" Lyney said with a soft smile, lynette nod in agreement, freminet just looked down, he didn't want lynette and lyney to worry about him. 'I hate it, when I make them worry.' freminet thought to himself, he didn't like being a bother.

"Everything seems to be normal, just rest for a day and you should be fine." Sgewinne explained, both lynette and lyney were happy to hear that, freminet just didn't say anything. "we should get going." Lynette said, lyney just nodded in agreement, they didn't have to be in jail anymore, freminet just slowly got up and he followed behind lyney and lynette. Lyney was talking about random things, lynette just listened but freminet didn't pay attention at all. "So far..we have no new missions from father so we can just go back to where, we're staying for now." Lynette said, there was no new mission so they could just relax, which was good.

After a while, they finally made it to where they were staying. "freminet! Are you hungry?" Lyney asked with a small smiled, freminet just shake his head as a no. freminet was quiet tired so he decided to go to bed. "I'm..going to bed.." freminet slowly said, both lyney and lynette nodded as freminet went into the room. Nothing to seemed to wrong with freminet body, he was just shortness of breath, he assumed, it would go away but it wouldn't, in fact it was probably going to get worse.

freminet slept peacefully for quite a
while, it was silent, nothing was happening but suddenly he woke up and started to cough. freminet didn't know what was happening, he was trying his best to not make lyney and lynette heard him, he didn't want to worry them. Finally freminet noticed that there was blood, he was coughing up blood. '..why am I coughing up blood?" freminet thought to himself, he didn't know why but he decided not to say anything, he didn't want to be a bother. 'It probably nothing..I shouldn't bother them about this..' freminet thought to himself, freminet just sigh as he slowly breath in and out, lucky enough no one heard him cough.

freminet decided to go back to sleep, he wasn't hungry or anything so slowly freminet went back to sleep. In the morning, freminet could tell something was actually wrong, he was coughing up blood but there was also pain, not a lot of pain for now. freminet still decided not to tell anyone, he was going to hide this. "freminet? Are you awake?" Lynette asked, freminet just nodded, it was time for breakfast. freminet just say nothing as he slowly try to eat, it was quite hard because of the pain but he didn't want to look suspicious so he just kept pushing through the pain.

Lynette and lyney didn't seem to notice anything wrong, freminet was acting normal so they didn't expect a thing. "So far, there's no new missions to complete so we can just relax." Lyney said, freminet was glad to hear that, he didn't really want to do anything, the pain was getting worse by the second. "freminet, me and lynette are doing a magic show today, are you going to be fine being home alone?" Lyney asked, freminet just nodded, this was perfect. After a while, lyney and lynette soon left, immediately freminet started to cough.

He was holding in his coughing so there was a lot of blood. freminet just sighed, he quickly cleaned up the blood, he didn't want to leave any evidence behind. freminet was still tired, he just lay down but couldn't fall asleep because of the pain so he just lay there. The pain was just too much for freminet, he couldn't help but cry, no one was around, he didn't have to worry. freminet kept crying for quite a while, he didn't know how much time has passed but freminet just slowly closed his eyes, he was too tired.

It's been quite a while because lyney and lynette were already done with their magic show. "Something wrong." Lynette said as she walked into the main room, lyney just nodded in agreement, it was quiet, a bit too quiet. "freminet?" Lyney said, there was no answer so they decided to go check on him. "freminet!" Lyney said in shock, he immediately run to his brother, lyney looked so worried. "he breathing but not much..we need to get him to a doctor now!" Lyney said, lynette just nodded, it was easy to tell that lynette was also worried.

freminet was immediately taking to a doctor, the doctor weren't sure on what was happening so they decided to get sigewinne. "What wrong with our brothers!?" Lyney yelled, no one was telling them anything. "It seemed that the primordial sea water cost damages to his insides, his lung is slowly decaying.." sigewinne explain, both lyney and lynette were horrified to hear this, Lucky enough there's something, they could do.

"freminet.." Lyney slowly said as he brushes freminet hair out of the way, freminet was unconscious and wasn't going to be waking up anytime soon.

(To be continue)

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