//part two//

75 5 1

-fluff and bit of angst


Not canon reaction
Third person pov

The doctor were able to do something so right now freminet was recovering but haven't woken up yet. Both lyney and lynette were waiting for freminet to wake up, they were so worried, of course arlecchino was notified about what happened but due to some business, she couldn't be there. Lyney was walking back and forth in the room, while lynette was sitting down, suddenly freminet started to wake up. "freminet!?" Lyney said, he was right next to hospital bed, lynette just looked so relieve to see freminet awake.

"Lyney..?" freminet slowly whisper as he looked around, he didn't recognize the room. "you're in the hospital, we found you barely breathing.." Lyney explained as he slowly brushes freminet hair out of the way, freminet looks horrified to hear that, he didn't want anyone to know, lynette was now holding freminet hand. "Why didnt you tell us?" Lynette asked, freminet didnt dare to look at them. "When..I went to bed, I woke up and start coughing blood.." freminet slowly explain, both lyney and lynette looked concerned.

"Why didn't you say anything!?" Lyney yelled, freminet eyes widen, he didn't expect lyney to yelled. "I didn't want to worry you guys.." freminet finally said, both lyney and lynette looked shocked. Before they could say anything, arlecchino walked into the room. "Freminet.." arlecchino said as she walked closer to the hospital bed, freminet looked terrified. "we hide our tears but we do not hide pain, next time tell someone about it, do you understand?" arlecchino explained, freminet just nodded as he looked down. "Good, I can't stay for long. Make sure to rest." arlecchino said, freminet was surprised to see father actually caring. "Lyney and lynette, stay with freminet until he fully healed." arlecchino said, and then she left, freminet just sighed.

"I'm sorry.." freminet whisper, both lynette and lyney eyes soften. "It alright..we'll talk about this later." Lynette softly said, lyney was now also holding freminet hand. "just rest for now.." Lyney softly said, freminet just nodded as he slowly went back to sleep. Both lyney and lynette stayed with freminet the whole time, they didn't do anything except for eat. After a while, freminet woke up again and the doctor decided to check on him to make sure everything was alright. "Everything seems to alright for now, we will keep you here for a while, just to make sure everything will go okay." The doctor explain as they check off think, both lynette and lyney were happy to hear that, everything was alright.

"You might have trouble breathing for now but that's normal." The doctor said and then they left, freminet just say nothing. "freminet..you know me and lynette deeply care for you." Lyney said, freminet was on the verge of breaking down. "You can talk to us about anything.." Lyney softly said as he brushes freminet hair out of the way, freminet just looked up and suddenly he hugged lyney. "I'm sorry brother.." freminet whisper, lyney eyes widen in shocked, it been years since freminet called lyney brother. "It alright.." Lyney softly said, freminet couldn't help but cry, both lynette and Lyney didn't mind and they comfort freminet the whole time.

After a while, they finally got freminet to calm down. "Promise us, you come to us next time about anything.." Lynette said, freminet just nodded. "I promise.." freminet said, both lyney and lynette smiled, lyney suddenly went to get freminet some food because freminet needed to eat. "Here pers.." Lynette softly said with a small smile, freminet looked surprised but immediately grabbed pers. "I'm back!" Lyney said with a big smile, freminet just smiled back, it was small smile though. "Let me feed you!" Lyney suddenly said, freminet try to argue but fail so lyney was feeding freminet.

"I'm full.." freminet said, lyney just nodded, even though freminet did sleep a while, he was still quite exhausted so freminet went to sleep. "Good night.." Lyney softly said as he kisses freminet forehead, lynette just brushes freminet hair. Lyney and lynette couldn't stayed the night at the hospital so they went back to where they were staying but they would go and see freminet in the morning.

Recovery was definitely slow, nothing else seemed to be wrong so freminet was allowed to go home but he needed a rest for a while. Both lyney and lynette took great care of freminet the whole time. arlecchino did visit freminet a few times, she wanted to make sure freminet was resting. "Father, I'm fine.." Freminet said, arlecchino just nodded, she was glad to hear that. "Good, you won't be doing any mission until you fully healed." arlecchino said, freminet just nodded, he didn't want to argue with father.

Soon freminet was finally healed and was able to do mission again. Both lynette and lyney are now overprotective of freminet, they wanted to make sure he always alright.

(😔i need some freminet angst)

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