Drift apart 3(reunion)

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Dev drove towards vansh's house on his bike as fast as he can. He was guilty, sad ,angry and what not. Because of his one stupidity he was about to lose vansh .How could he not realize that he was ignoring vansh .And not only his stupidity but also vansh stupidity if only that boy knows how to for once show his love for him .If only that boy doesn't hesitated this much this would have not happen .

Here in vansh house the birthday party was almost over after seeing off his friends vansh was sitting sad with phone in his hand .His mother eyes fall on him and she sighed .

She wanted this stupid boy to understand that when you make relations efforts comes from both side .

She has seen how freely dev has shown his care his love for vansh as a big brother on and off camera too.

And vansh even though tried still their was some hesitation from vansh side sometimes.

Which dev didn't tried to mind but still somewhere in his heart he minded she knew.

It was always dev who contacted vansh not the other way round.

And as vansh mother she understood him being an actor she know once a project is done two co actor even though keep cordial relation but not that close

Her Vansh has first hand experience in it and he had accepted dev as his big brother his family but is scared that dev will leave him or this brotherhood was just till sets.

Sometimes to save any relation you just need to say you raw feeling without any hesitation.

Both the boys were each other's life each other's brother but somewhere their habit of not sharing their feelings is making this brotherhood difficult.

Vansh and dev both didn't realize other person's problem or reason of hesitation somewhere.

She hope and pray that these two idiots get their brain quickly because she cannot see her son sad nor can she loose dev who is also like her son.

Suddenly bell rang before any one could even react the bell started ringing continuously.

Who was ringing the bell so impatiently at such an odd hour they all looked at each other and vansh ran to open the door.

As soon as he open the door vansh was stilled it was his dev bhaiya .

The person he adore worship and see as his beloved big brother.

His eyes tear up a little he has seen this man after almost 2 years or so.

Dev was no better he was also looking at vansh after many days after looking at his face dev realize what he had lost in his stubbornness .His brother is looking like a young teenage boy gone was the cute soft boy here was a well built strong teenage boy standing.

It's not like dev didn't saw vansh he saw vansh's every post on insta he even saw vansh's every tv show but seeing vansh in real is all different.it was overwhelming.

It was not like they were meeting after ages but they were too attached to each other that this two years were like ages for them.

While vansh is also feeling confused why was his bhaiya here what was the only question revolving in his mind.

Vansh confused:-bhaiya aap yaha kuch kam tha kya?

Dev felt hurt no not because of vansh question but because this was not how they used to be it feels like they are strangers.

Right now he don't know what to do so he did what anyone should do in front of his brother he just hugged his brother and softly whispered "Happy birthday vansh i am sorry main late ho gaya".

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