chapter 1

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3ed people POV:

Dream was having a hard time getting out of the coma that the shape shifter demon put him in he was angry that he accidentally let the demon copy his apprentice the only thing that the demon couldn't copy his face but it knew that it didn't need to because he never let anyone see his face which he regrets now not doing it. Dream finally success in getting free and out of his coma he slowly opens his eyes and found that he was in a cabin that was only made to have a bedroom  Dream sits up on the bed got up and walked over to a mirror he saw that he didn't have his masc and was in hospital clothes "looks like the demon had a bit of humanity at least" Dream though. Dream got his admin tab open and saw "What if the demon killed everyone on the server" Dream said in a whisper as he is panicking Dream looks at how far he was from spawn he was 200,000 blocks from spawn Dream opened his admin tab the only thing he could do is open the creative tab and take some weapons and shield Dream closed the tab and looked for maybe where the demon would have put the clothes is didn't want or was not like him to wear but no luck tho he did find a pair of boots and socks so he pot them on and got out he felt uncomfortable only in a hospital clothes in his human form so he shifted to his White Enderman form to feel a bit more comfortable with the fact that he had some fur he walked many blocks into he finally found a Village he walked through the village looking for a clothes shop when he found on he walked in and asked the Villager that was staring at him like everyone he had passed by.
"Hello sir I would like to purchase a new outfit, could you please show me where the.... Ummm..... I would like if you could show me what you have for now please?"Dream asked the villager that was standing behind the counter. " of course are yo-... You looking for something specific?" The villager asked. "I would like to know is you have green hoodies and maybe some cargo pants?"Dream asked. " Yes we do have cargo pants but we only have lime hoodies not green ones "the villager said. " that will do"Dream said and the villager got going and got what his client wants when he got back he got some other sizes to Dream thanked him and give him 20 emeralds. Dream got changed in a changing room and got out and started to get going on his way to get to the DSMP.

»»————> With the SMP ★||

The whole SMP had Dream  cornered and at knife/axe point trying to get him  in prison when someone appeared out of nowhere and attacked Dream  no one could see the persons face because they had a mask similar to Dream  but it had a :| face (I can't describe it) The person started to speak 

"You little son of a bitch you thought that just putting me on under a coma was a good idea" The person said their voice was like Dream's 

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