chapter 2

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Summary: Dream woke up from the coma the demon put him in and confronts the demon, what will happen next??

note: English isn't my first language

"You little son of a bitch you thought that just putting me on under a coma was a good idea" The person said their voice was like Dream's 

3 ed person :

The people that were close to Dream and the mystery person backed away as they did Dream  attacked the mystery person and a fight started they fought and fought Dream  was more beat up then the mysterious stranger. Out of nowhere Dream's  mask was broke it fall to the ground everyone stopped moving even Dream   but the mysterious stranger attacked Dream (? )  but that Dream  was not Him some of the DSMP members knew because when Dream fought with Techno and Dream's mask only got broken  enough for Dream's eye to be able to be seen but this Dream  had a void for a face, the mysterious stranger killed him.

Everyone was shocked

"He was a fake he was just a demon" the mysterious stranger said before teleporting just like an enderman just a note left behind.

‼️🛑Author note: Dream couldn't teleport before because when he teleports his hunger gets bigger and if it is over used he will die 🛑‼️

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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