Chapter 3

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Motion of the quill

As Ari slowly opened her heavy, puffy eyes, she was met with the warm glow of the evening sun filtering through her chamber window. The light bathed the room in a soft shade of orange, signaling the approaching dusk. With a groan, she sat up, feeling the weight of exhaustion settling heavily upon her. Her head throbbed, and a persistent ringing echoed in her ears, a lingering reminder of her recent ordeal.

Placing her hands over her ears, Ari waited patiently for the ringing to subside. Time seemed to slip through her fingers like grains of sand, leaving her disoriented and uncertain. All she could recall was the sensation of passing out and drifting through a dark abyss, lost in the depths of her unconsciousness.

A sudden knock on the door shattered the stillness of the room, causing Ari to startle. The door creaked open slowly, revealing Anna, her faithful attendant, wheeling in a silver tray. Anna's face bore a gentle expression of concern, her blonde hair neatly braided and adorned with delicate blue flowers.

"My Lady, have you awakened?" Anna inquired softly, her voice a soothing melody amidst the chaos of Ari's thoughts.

Ari met Anna's gaze with a mixture of confusion and resignation. If this were indeed a dream, she reasoned, then she would have to accept it and make the most of it. Understanding her current situation would have to wait.

With a faint smile, Ari nodded in response to Anna's question, acknowledging her wakefulness. Anna returned the smile, her own expression brightening as she approached Ari.

"Are you feeling well-rested, my Lady?" Anna asked, her concern evident in her voice.

Ari hesitated, unsure of how to answer. She knew that voicing her true feelings would only betray her weakness. Instead, she simply nodded, silently accepting Anna's gesture of care.

With a bright smile, Anna presented Ari with the tray of food. Ari stared at the steaming soup before her, uncertain if she could stomach it. Yet, she knew that she needed strength to carry out her mission. With a determined resolve, she took a spoonful into her dry mouth and began to eat.

As she savored the taste of the soup, Ari's thoughts turned to the task that lay ahead. She had a promise to keep and a future to alter. Armed with the knowledge of the next 21 years and the determination to defy fate, she knew that she would stop at nothing to protect her loved ones and the empire.

Turning to Anna once more, Ari spoke softly. "Anna, I can't remember much of what happened earlier. Can you fill me in?"

Anna's expression softened with understanding as she replied, "Well, my Lady, you've been trying to get ahold of His Highness for the past week, but he hasn't responded. In your desperation, you went on a hunger strike, leading to a decline in your health. Everyone has been worried about you, Lady Aristella."

Ari nodded, absorbing the information with a sense of determination. She knew that time was of the essence, especially with the prince's coming-of-age ball approaching. With a game plan in mind, she resolved to seize control of her destiny and rewrite the fate of her empire.

After her meal, Ari found solace in the routine of the evening as Anna helped her bathe. As Anna's gentle hands moved through Ari's red hair, Ari couldn't shake the feeling of displacement that came with inhabiting her younger self's body. The sensation was disorienting, a constant reminder of the complexities of the situation she found herself in.

Once the bath was complete, Anna bid Ari goodnight and retreated to her own quarters, leaving Ari alone with her thoughts. Seeking refuge at her desk, Ari reached for a quill and parchment, the tools of her trade as she embarked on the formidable task ahead. She had to at least write all she remembered.

With a sense of purpose, Ari began to write her plans for the future, each stroke of the quill a testament to her determination to rewrite the course of history. Her marriage to the prince had been ruled out, but she knew that a replacement was necessary to maintain the delicate balance of power within the empire. It was imperative that the chosen candidate not only possessed the requisite qualities to fulfill the role of crown princess but also commanded the respect and support of the nobility.

As Ari delved into the rims of her plan, her thoughts turned to the Kalin Empire, the formidable realm that had stood for over 800 years as a bastion of power and influence. With two neighboring kingdoms to the west, the Amor Kingdom in the northwest and the Oliyan Kingdom in the southwest, the empire held sway over vast swathes of territory and controlled the majority of the region's trade routes.

It was this strategic advantage that had played a pivotal role in the events that would unfold 18 years into the future, culminating in a devastating war with the Amor Kingdom. The betrayal to the throne and the empire's pride had paved the way for a surprise attack, resulting in the loss of vital trade routes and the conquest of significant territories. The toll of the war had been immense, with widespread famine and disease ravaging the lands in its wake.

As Ari recounted the horrors of the conflict, she couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility weighing heavily upon her shoulders. If only someone more competent had occupied the throne, perhaps the devastation could have been averted. The loss of her family and the suffering of her people weighed heavily on her heart, and for a moment, she allowed herself to entertain the thought of what might have been.

But the past was immutable, and dwelling on it served no purpose. With a determined resolve, Ari pushed aside her doubts and refocused her efforts on the task at hand. There was much to be done, and she would not rest until her vision for the future was realized. With a steady hand and a resolute heart, she continued to write, each word a testament to her unwavering commitment to change the course of the future.

As Ari contemplated her next steps in reshaping her destiny, she knew that one of her primary objectives was to change the perception Tris held of her. No longer content to be seen as an infatuated girl endlessly pursuing his affections, she resolved to become his confidant – someone he could trust and rely on, rather than merely someone who loved him.

But achieving this goal would require more than just a change in Tris's perception. It would necessitate a transformation in herself – a shedding of the insecurities and obsessions that had defined her past. Ari recalled how she had never formed close friendships, instead spending her days following Tris wherever he went. Now, she was determined to change that.

As heir to the dukedom, Ari understood the importance of accumulating influence within the empire. She knew that her debut as a young lady in society, scheduled to take place in the next four years, would provide her with a platform to achieve this. But before she could announce her status as heir, she needed to establish herself as a figure of importance within the aristocracy.

Currently attending Aline Academy, Ari was naturally gifted intellectually. But this time, she knew that excelling academically would not be enough. She needed to excel in every aspect of her life – intellectually, socially, and physically – in order to be recognized as a worthy future companion.

The world of high society was a competitive one, where association and influence played a significant role in determining one's standing. But Ari also understood the importance of military and physical achievements in gaining respect and command within this world. Thus, she resolved to equip herself with power and learn to harness Hir magic – a skill that would not only aid her in her quest for influence but also provide insights into her mysterious return to her 12-year-old self.

With a determined spirit, Ari began compiling a list of young nobles she needed to form connections with. Lady Tani of the Hans Marquess, known for their estate businesses in the Southern ports, was first on her list. Their role in protecting the ports made them influential allies in Ari's quest for power.

Next were the Krist Marquess family, owners of gold mines in the north, and the Samdris Count Family, whose importance would become more apparent in the future. As Ari set down her quill, she realized that she needed rest – even if it meant facing nightmares. For she knew that the path she had chosen was not an easy one, but it was the only way forward.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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