Act 8: The Master Plan

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Aster's POV

Aster's body began to react painfully, waking her up.

What happened to me? Oh right...I saw a foot speeding toward my face. And that voice...he's back, I know it! I slowly opened my eyes. My vision was blurry, and I could feel sticky red blood running down the side of my face. My body hurts after the car crash, how did he entered..? I was still in the same place, the car was all destroyed and the driver was dead. I cried, I cried and tried to get free but failed. Suddenly, I saw him...I- I saw him walked into my range of vision. I tried to get up but couldn't, why I can't get up?! I looked over and saw that I was tide up in the tree, he kept me pinned down in the trunk, he was keeping my from moving.

I gasped in surprise, along with pain and fear "Zomboss! What are you doing?! Let me go right now!"

"I'm zorry, Azter, It'z just that, you know that I failed to kill you and take ZOMburbia, so I just can't let you go without punizhment." Zomboss chuckled.

"W-what are you going to do to me?" I panicked.

"Oh, you'll zee...very zoon!"

Zomboss walked over to a nearby bush, and pulled out a rock, large enough to hurt someone, yet small enough for him to carry in his rotten hands and fingernails. He walked back over to me and set it down next to me. I noticed one of my hands is free, but it was also pinned down, dammit! He then walked back over to the bush, and pulled out something wrapped in a white tiny towel. He then walked back over and set it next to the rock. Zomboss opened the bundle, revealing it's contents. There were 5 long nails, and they looked sharp. Are those...needles...? My eyes widened as Zomboss picked one up with his hand and set it on my hand, pointy side down.

"YOU DID THIS!" I winced "you gave Cadmus that needle mouse!"

"Yez, it waz for you but oh well, he workz too!" He grinned.

"W-what are you doing?" I looked scared.

"It'z a type of torture, 15 needlez are uzually required, but I could only find 5 of them, so it'z going to be a bit different than itzs normally done" Zomboss looked crazed.

Zomboss used his other hand to balance the needle, so it wouldn't fall, and picked up the rock. I shut my eyes tightly and turned my head as Zomboss slammed the rock, making it hit the needle, driving it into my hand and tree trunk. Blood spilled out and I screamed in pain. I started thrashing around, trying to get free.

"Now, now, Azter, don't ztruggle, it'll hurt lezz if you don't move"

I stopped, I was terrified, I cried, I couldn't get free. Please! Someone! Help me! As soon as I stopped, Zomboss repeated his actions, driving the second needle into my hand. I screeched in pain again, but I didn't struggle.


"I zee you are beginning to cooperate." Zomboss grinned.

I looked at him "do your worst. I don't care anymore." I spat.

"Hmmm...this izn't going to be much zhould at leazt try to fight back, and you call yourzelf a agent? Oh pleaze, don't make me laugh!"

I looked up at Zomboss and yelled "how DARE you say that to me! YOU'RE the one who's a zombie! You nearly DIED as I did!"

"Well, even though I'm a zombie and almozt died, it lookz like I'm tougher than you."

"What are you going to do..?"

"I'm going to antler hiztory!" He smirked "you zee, those flowers are very uzeful to time travel! It containz a rare energy that alloz you to travel to any timeline!"

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