Part 2: The Special Birthday

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It was a wonderful, summer day in Hummingbird Alley. Because it was Allegra's 7th birthday. Allegra was so excited to celebrate, but then, things started to get weird. She was looking around and no decorations were set up, there were no presents, no cake, and not a single person was there to celebrate. She got so worried, but then she shrugged it off and thought that they are pulling a prank on her. But the second she turned around, it was a literal ghost town. Nothing was colorful at all. Allegra was so scared and started crying. She was screaming for her friends and family, but nothing happened. That was when she woke up from her nightmare. It was a bad dream this whole time. Allegra woke up crying, and started worrying if nothing will happen on her birthday. So, she decided to wake up her family.

Allegra: Mom, dad, wake up! It's my birthday today!

The parents wouldn't get out of bed.

Sonata (Allegra's Mom): Go back to bed kid.

Clef: Seriously.

Allegra: But it's my birthday today. Aren't you guys going to say Happy Birthday to me?

Clef: Allegra, all we care about right now is getting sleep. We don't care about your birthday.

Allegra got sad and she decided to let her parents sleep, and then she went to tell her older brother Rondo about her birthday.

Allegra: Rondo, today's my birthday!

Rondo: It's your birthday? Yay. If only I cared about it.

He was so sarcastic about it because he didn't care either.

Allegra: Don't tell me you don't care about my birthday either.

Rondo: That's exactly what it is.

Allegra: I can't believe you, brother. I'm gonna go find Lindi.

She went to find her friend Lindi, who is a yellow dog. She went to the music shop and found her and her owner, Reed.

Allegra: Hey guys. Do you wanna know what today is?

Lindi: We already know what today is. It's the big musical festival outside of town. Everyone's going there. And I mean everyone.

Allegra got extremely disappointed because she found out that everyone is leaving Hummingbird Alley and she isn't going.

Allegra: So, I am going to be all alone?

Lindi: Yeah. Well, Riff is staying. But, he's napping right now. We have to go. Later.

Allegra: Bye.

Allegra was all alone. Nobody was there and she started crying at the piano tree. Meanwhile, Riff was fake sleeping because he wanted to set up Allegra's birthday party. Then, he heard and saw Allegra crying.

Riff: Hi Allegra. Are you ok?

Allegra: Um, yeah. Kind of. I'm totally fine by myself.

Riff: Well, I need you to leave the piano tree because I need to set up something extremely special out here.

Allegra: (started crying) Of course. Nobody wants me around. Nobody cares about my birthday! NOBODY CARES ABOUT ME! (sobbing)

Riff: What are you talking about? What's wrong?

He was concerned, but he was probably the only one who remembered Allegra's birthday.

Allegra: Nobody loves me anymore! My birthday isn't special! Nobody remembers my birthday! (crying)

Riff: Well, let me tell you something. You are completely wrong about everything that you said. I am saying that because I love you as a friend, your birthday is special, and I remembered your birthday.

Allegra: (wiping her tears) You remembered?

Riff: Of course I did. I did say that I had to set up something extremely special, which was your birthday party. I always remember my best friends' birthdays.

Allegra was shocked and really happy that Riff remembered her birthday.

Riff: And I just got a great idea. You get on a beautiful birthday dress and I will set up your extremely special 7th birthday party.

Allegra: You would do that for me?

Riff: Of course. I would do anything for you.

Allegra: (hugging him excitedly) Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you! You are the best! (kisses him on the cheek and goes to put on her dress)

Riff was starstruck when she kissed him. He got started right away.

Part 3 coming soon . . .

Allegra & Riff's Most Special MomentWhere stories live. Discover now