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Noah walked around the plane, one hand in his pants' front pocket, as he thought to himself... 'Maybe I do like the eel.' He then shook off the thought and went to the confessional.


Noah: "There's NO way I'm falling for the eel. I mean, he is attractive and totally my type... WAIT STOP- SCRATCH THAT TAPE OUT!-"


Noah walked out of the confessional with a pink hue spread across his face, and a scowl. Only to look up to meet the eyes of Alejandro, who supposedly overheard him in the confessional.

Alejandro: "So... you like me huh?~"

Noah: "No I don't. Shut up Eel."

Alejandro: "Your lying is almost as good as your personality!~"

Noah: "..."

*Alejandro chuckled, and then continued to talk*

Alejandro: "I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I'm with Heather! So I wouldn't accept your confession anyways!~"

Noah frowned, he knew the boy was right, he knew Alejandro would never love him back, but that's what he hated. He wanted to make a plan to get Heather out, but he needed help.


Noah: "I'm just not sure on how!"

Owen: "Maybe we should do something related to either her boyfriend or her hair? Heather cares a lot about both!"

Izzy: "Yeah! One time, during a challenge, she said "Give me back my wig!"! It was kinda funny!!"

Noah: "Okay-... So maybe we should do something related to her looks."

Owen: "Yeah! I heard Eva brought hair loss gel, we can put that in her shampoo since I heard she was gonna take a shower today!"

Noah: "When did you get smart all of a sudden."

Owen: "What-"

Izzy: "Dynos, go BOOM BOOM!!"

Noah: facepalms

Eva walks in with her duffle bag on her shoulder, she had her usually stoic expression so it wasn't anything new.

Noah: "Hey Eva, can we use that hair loss gel you have?"

Eva: "Why? Tryna use it on someone?"

Noah: "Yeah. Heather."

Eva: "Fine. Only because she stole my MP3 player though."

Eva handed the gel to Noah, but when they attempted to put the plan into action, Alejandro walked in and gave them an ice cold glare.

Alejandro: "Ay ay ay... I'd at least think you'd be sneaky about it. This is why I don't like you nor your amigos."

Noah: "Wait what-..."

Owen: "WHAT?!-"

Izzy: "Dead eel."


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