♡3/3♡ // ¤《 jobless 》¤

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When Vanessa returned with Abby, she was only half surprised to see Mike asleep on the couch. He was curled tightly into himself, though his neck was cocked in an odd manner that didn't quite look comfortable.

"Jeez." Vanessa murmured. Abby giggled.

Despite the pose, he looked extremely peaceful. Somehow. One of Vanessa's first instincts were to look over his eyes to check for rapid movement, one of the significations that someone was dreaming. When she didn't see that, she breathed a sigh of relief, hoping that it wouldn't come for him this time.

"He never sleeps on the couch." Abby commented with a shrug, before turning to look up towards Vanessa. "Thank you for bringing me."

"No need for thanks." Vanessa gave Abby's head a quick pat and watched as the young girl went off towards her own room.

Once Abby was gone, Vanessa's eyes averted once-more to Mike. Her gaze lingered for a moment as she stood in silence, stifling another sigh. The woman moved over to him, flicking a piece of curly brown hair from his forehead. She then scooted into the remaining area of the couch that wasn't being taken up, careful not to disrupt anything. For a few minutes, she remained in silence, only listening to the ups and downs of the man's--and her own--breathing.

When it was clear that he wouldn't wake up for atleast another hour or two, Vanessa wondered if she should leave. She didn't quite want to go yet, but she was really worrying that she could be overstaying her welcome.

Mike shifted, lightly nudging Vanessa with his foot. He really needed new socks, she noticed. There were several holes scattered throughout their worn grey cloth, and Vanessa, with the current imagery, couldn't imagine them in a newly purchased state.

Maybe she could buy him socks or something. That'd be nice of her--she knew that he didn't have any money.

She scooched a bit to the side, but he took the new space as an opportunity to stretch his legs out further. Vanessa sighed, though she couldn't help but stifle a laugh. She laid her hand on his leg half-awkwardly, softly patting it.

Vanessa liked his warmth--the current peace that washed over the man. She smiled, looking at him sadly.

God, he was too broke to even buy a new pair of socks for himself.

For a while, Vanessa just let Mike sleep. She couldn't make herself move even if she wanted to, somehow. She only let her eyes stick to the volumeless photographs of the television in front of her with a few checks to the sleeping man besides her from time to time.

Until he woke up again. Half of Vanessa was relieved. Mike rubbed his eyes, slightly sitting up. He groaned, a set of groggy eyes flicking throughout the room and eventually landing on Vanessa.

"You've been sleeping for quite a while." She spoke light heartedly.

Mike replied with another scan to the room, this time looking slightly more alert. "What time even is it?" He questioned rhetorically, checking his watch. "Six thirty... ish."

Vanessa shrugged. With a decision not to delay the inevitable, she asked, "Any dreams?"

Mike paused, as though rooting around in his subconscious.


"That's good, Mike."

Mike shifted, rubbing his eyebrow. "Yeah, I guess. It still feels... weird." He paused. "Where's Abby?"

"In her room, I'm pretty sure."

Mike cleared his throat, shaking his arm out. "That's... that's good. She tell you how her day was or anything? Nothing bad, right?"

"No, no. She said it was fine. Atleast she didn't tell me anything was wrong--she seemed fine."

"Okay. Okay, good." Mike breathed a sigh of relief, relaxing in his posture once-more. "God, it's almost seven." He murmured bitterly.

"I should probably get going, then."

Vanessa began to stand, to which Mike replied, "Oh, uhm, okay."

He seemed a bit disappointed, but he didn't protest. Vanessa could read Mike quite easily--she had always been good at that. She stared back at him with a certain level of sympathy, though she turned again and began to try to find her things.

"You can stay over if you want," Mike offered without thinking. "it's already late."

He cleared his throat awkwardly before proceeding. "Just an offer."

Vanessa turned to look over her shoulder at him from where she stood, considering.

"Hm." She spoke, hesitating. Mike stared back at her expectantly. "I mean, it wouldn't hurt anything if you wanted me to, but..."

She never liked accepting people's offers. Despite his willingness to keep her for a bit longer, she still felt like she was overstaying her welcome.

"Good. You, can, uhhh, sleep on the couch. I'm sure Abby wants to talk to you, too."

Vanessa sighed conclusively. If he wanted her to stay, she would stay. Plus, she didn't exactly want to leave either of them yet. She hoped that maybe her presence could help something; anything. Vanessa set down her bag by the door again and once-again approached Mike. Abby eventually came from her room, and Mike patted the couch for her to sit.

They all talked.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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Mike Schmidt × Vanessa Shelly "Oneshots" 《FNaF Movie》Where stories live. Discover now