Exhibit Introduction

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Ecocriticism as a discipline has historically been the ecological analysis of written literature. However, with emerging studies and a heavier focus on our environment's natural state than ever before, the concept has transcended into an application in visual art. Thus, environmental art was born. Applications of ecoart not only prioritize traditional and contemporary art mediums, but it highlights environmental themes, values, and other commentaries. The goal of this exhibit is to raise environmental awareness and encourage environmental consciousness in the creation of art.

The five proposed creations encapsulate the origins of environmental art, and what early relationships between humans and nature pertained to. They also critique an array of artistic themes with an ecological mindset when considering influential perspectives such as ecofeminism and the Blue Humanities. Finally, this presentation aims to increase the involvement environmental art has in our lives, as well as analyze historical eras of art with these ecocriticism qualities in mind. Our future on this planet relies on us redefining our history and looking to a future with conversation and environmental excellence at the forefront.

Beyond Cerulean Strokes and Concrete Slabs: An Exploration of Environmental ArtWhere stories live. Discover now