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The next day was the same for Harry. He woke up, had breakfast, and read his book until lunch when he went to the great hall.

He sat down at the table, this time he was by himself in the Great Hall so he continued to read as he ate.

He jumped as a plate was slammed on the table next to him and looked up wide-eyed as he saw Snape sitting down next to him.

Snape looked over and raised a brow making Harry quickly look back at his book.

"That book is wrong, you know," The potion master's voice said after a few minutes, and Harry looked up with a frown.

"What?" He asked, confused but Snape didn't look up from his food.

"That book has many mistakes, it was proven wrong many times over," He said looking down at his food, his hair fell into his face, and Harry found it a little attractive.

Shaking his head he focused on what the man said. "Who proved it wrong?" He asked, closing the book and picking up his fork to eat the last of his food.

"I did," Snape said standing. "Follow me," he said, and Harry quickly stood, grabbed the book, and followed him.

They made their way to the dungeon, they entered the potions lab and Snape brought out two cauldrons. "Come, I'll show you," He said. "We'll make a potion we already made so you won't be confused. We'll do a healing salve. The right way first and then the book way," Snape said and they got to work.

Snape tells Harry what to do, and the boy does it. After they make the first potion, they stop, and Snape lets Harry examine the potion.

"Give me your arm," the older man said, and Harry held out his arm. Snape waved his wand, and the boy hissed as a small cut appeared on his arm.

Severus took some of the potions out of the cauldron on a small spoon, poured them on Harry's arm, and rubbed them on. The cut disappeared, and Harry stared in awe.

"Now the book's way," Severus said, and Harry handed him the book. Severus followed the instructions pointing out precisely what was wrong as he did it. When they finished, Snape held out his own arm and made a small cut, and just as he did to Harry, then he took some of the potion and put it on the cut.

The cut didn't go away, but the professor's arm did turn a dark shade of purple, then green then back to purple.

"Woah," Harry said, grabbing the professor's arm and looking at it closely. "How is that book still published if it is so completely wrong?" He asked as he released the man's arm.

"No one ever publicly proved it wrong," Snape said, pulling his sleeve down over his arm. "I'll give you a better one," he said, leading Harry to his personal quarters.

He walked over to his bookcase and pulled down a book. Just as he turned around the floo flared and Lucius Malfoy stepped out heading straight for Severus.

"Love," Lucius said as he pecked Snape's lips, making the man turn red. "I thought you were coming home today?" The blonde asked.

"Lucius, we have an audience," Severus said, and Lucius turned to look at Harry with wide eyes.

"Potter?" He said before looking at his lover in question.

"I was teaching him potions," Severus said and Lucius nodded.

"Why aren't you home with your family, Potter?" The blonde asked.

"What family?" Harry asked and Severus huffed as Lucius stuttered.

"Right," Lucius said, looking into the fireplace, "Why don't you come to have dinner at the Manor?" He asked, and the others looked at him in shock.

"Dinner? Lucius," Severus started and Lucius squished him.

"We can't just leave him alone, especially for Yule. Light or dark, he deserves some company," Lucius said, and Severus looked at him for a while before sighing. "That's what I thought," the blonde said, walking over to Harry, grabbing his arm, and pulling him to the floo.

"Malfoy Manor," Lucius said and disappeared in green smoke.

They appeared in the sitting room of Malfoy Manor. Severus emerged after them and looked over at Harry.

"Lucius, Severus," A voice said, and Harry watched as Tom Riddle appeared in the doorway. He and Harry made eye contact and both yelped before falling to the floor.

"Tom," Severus called, rushing over to his friend as Lucius picked up Harry.


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Word count: 726

Re-published: May 2, 2024, 4 am

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