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Nikolai grinned as he carefully picked the purple-spotted plant that could only be found in the deep dark depths of the forbidden forest.

He decided to get Severus some potion ingredients from the forest for his birthday. He had borrowed a book from the library about potion ingredients that could be found in the dark forest. Severus had pointed out that some of the ingredients were so deep in the dark forest that he wouldn't even go there.

So that was what Nikolai was doing. He was searching the forest for the potion ingredients his mate didn't have.

He placed the plant in a pot he had brought and placed it in the box he brought that already held seven other plants. He filled in some more dirt in the pot before he stood and continued to make his way through the forest. He made it about ten feet before he heard a small voice calling out.

Shrinking the box he placed it in his robe pocket before slowly making his way to the voice. He made it to a large fallen tree when he saw a young centaur with its leg trapped under the tree.

"Hey there, little fellow," Nikolai said, and the young centaur looked up at him with fear in his eyes. "I won't hurt you, I'm just going to help you get this tree off your leg," Nikolai said, pulling out his wand and pointing it at the tree.

"Wingardium Leviosa," He said, and the tree lifted off the centaur's leg. The young one quickly limped out from under the tree and Nikolai released it.

"How is your leg? Does it hurt?" Nikolai asked, kneeling beside the centaur and healing its leg that had a gash on it.

"Woah, thank you, mister," The young centaur said before tapping his leg on the ground. "My name is Lilac; I'm ten," the young centaur exclaimed happily, and Nikolai smiled down at the small foal.

"Nice to meet you, Lilac," Nikolai said, standing, "What are you doing out here alone?" He asked and Lilac frowned before looking down sadly.

"I followed a bunny and wandered away from my herd, and I don't know the way back," He said sadly and Nikolai hummed.

"Well, why don't you stick with me and I'll help you find your herd," Nikolai said, and Lilac nodded happily.

The two walked around for two hours picking a few more plants before they came to a small lake.

"How about we stay here for a while," Nikolai suggested.

"We can play tag," Lilac said happily before tapping Nikolai's shoulder before running away.

They played for about twenty minutes, laughing with each other before Nikolai froze and looked towards the tree. "Lilac, come here," he called, not taking his eyes off the spot.

The foal ran towards Nikolai, who pulled out his wand and stood guard before him as an older centaur came out into the clearing.

"Dad," Lilac yelled and ran over to his father.

The two hugged, and Nikolai smiled. "Harry Potter, I have watched you since you saved my son from under the tree. I thank you," the centaur said.

"It is nice to see you again, Bane," Nikolai said, bowing his head to the leader of the centaurs, "Now that Lilac has found his family, I will be on my way," He said before turning and leaving the clearing.

He made it back to the castle just as it started getting dark. He entered the castle and started making his way down to the dungeon. He turned around the corner and saw Ron with his wand pointed at Draco and growled.

The two turned to him, and Ron grinned before rushing over to him. "Harry, where have you been? I have been worried," the redhead exclaimed, and Nikolai rolled his eyes.

"Sure you were," he drawled before looking over at Draco and frowning at the ground. "Why were you threatening Draco?" he asked, not taking his eyes off the blonde.

"You were gone. I thought he had something to do with it since you've been acting weird and hanging around him a lot lately," Ron said, glaring back at the blonde.

"And you blame my behavior on Draco? Have you ever thought that it was you?" he asked before brushing past the Weasley and grabbing Draco's hand, leading him down the hall.

"So, where were you?" Draco asked, entering Severus's quarters.

"I went to get Severus a gift," he said, pulling the box out of his pocket and waving his wand making it get wrapped in a simple bit of beautiful birthday paper.

"Come on, let's go. They are waiting for us so they can celebrate. Uncle Sev might not show up, but he loves his birthday," Draco said as they made their way to the floo.


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Word count: 777

Re-published: May 2, 2024, 8 am

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