✧15. Jin : The Light Within Darkness✧

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Who trusted me yesterday when I said I won't update for a while🤣?

Damn. I feel so good by making you all believe that shit🤣



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"...I have nyctophobia. I am afraid of the dark."

Jin's expression softened, "Yoongi. I am glad you trusted me enough to share this but you should have told me about this sooner."

Yoongi avoided his gaze and muttered, "I didn't want anyone to know... I thought everyone would think I am weak-"

Jin shook his head as he cut him off, "You are not weak, Yoongi. Please remember that. Everyone has their own fears and it's really okay to admit them. It doesn't make you any less brave."

Yoongi's face softened but he remained quiet. Jin sighed again as he apologized once more. "I'm so sorry," he murmured. "I should have known about this and been more careful."

Yoongi interrupted him with a soft murmur, his voice barely above a whisper. "You couldn't have known."

With a gentle sigh, Jin took the younger's hands in his as he rubbed them gently, "Yoongi," he began softly, his voice laced with genuine concern, "Even though I am your dom and I know we haven't always seen eye to eye and our relationship hasn't been the best, you can still share anything with me. I'll always listen to you."

Yoongi remained silent, his only response a nod of his head. Jin's hand instinctively reaching out to pat his head. But then he was surprised by Yoongi's lack of reaction, expecting the usual glare or flinch whenever he touched him, even by mistake. But this time, Yoongi remained quiet, his demeanor unusually quiet.

"I may not always know what you're going through, but I want to try. So please, if there's anything bothering you, anything at all, don't hesitate to tell me."

Yoongi's defenses began to soften, a part of him wanting to tell him about everything he's going through, to share the burden he had been carrying alone for so long. But old habits died hard, and years of conditioning made it difficult for him to let his guard down completely.

"Does any other people know about this?"

"No one else knows," Yoongi admitted quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. "Not even Jimin."

Jin nodded understandingly, "Well, then thank you for trusting me enough to share it with me." He said sincerely and left gentle kisses on top of the younger's hands.

Yoongi glanced away, his cheeks flushing slightly. Despite their complex relationship, there was something comforting about Jin's presence, something that made Yoongi feel safe in a way he hadn't felt in a long time.

It was a small gesture, but it meant more to him than words could express.

Jin's tone then shifted slightly, taking on a scolding edge, "But you have to promise me to always share these kinds of things with me. Keeping such fears hidden can put you in danger."

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