Chapter 1; The Winner Takes It All

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"The winner takes it all
The loser has to fall.."
"Next Mr. Priestly?; Miranda Priestly and Stephen Tomlinson caught fighting; Miranda Priestly's knight in shining armor came to rescue his devil lady!"

"Who is the man embracing Miranda Priestly?"

"Is Miranda Priestly having an affair"

"Did Miranda Priestly bring her lover instead her husband?"

"Well her husband caught having an affair with his ex wife so if he had an affair Miranda probably seek attention to someone else,what did you think Logan?"David Watkins asking Logan "But seems this gossip articles such a biased why it's more poin...

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"Well her husband caught having an affair with his ex wife so if he had an affair Miranda probably seek attention to someone else,what did you think Logan?"
David Watkins asking Logan "But seems this gossip articles such a biased why it's more pointing to Miranda if her current husband started it?" David added Logan is lost to his own world worried to Miranda decide to left his colleague "Hey,where are you going?" David asked but Logan didn't answer him he drive to Elias-Clarke well people already know that Logan is friend to Irv Ravitz so reporters and paparazzi wouldn't mind if he go in and out even he do some unholy stuff inside the building once he reached elevator he didn't know that Miranda came also shocked when they saw each other instead Miranda kick him out she just let him in elevator they are both awkward in elevator until Miranda break down and hug him Logan felt weird but just let her
"Stephen didn't go home he's probably planning to divorce me!" Logan let her continued to cried on his arms until they reached 27th floor she fix herself and went outside Logan decide to follow her which Miranda is curious why "Why?" she asked "I was worried about you so i follow you here the gossip columns are spreading some -" his words are interrupted by Miranda "I don't care on what they wrote about me, that's all." he left the Runway floor and went to Irv's office he saw Irv talking with someone on his phone he knocked and Irv saw him he motioned him to sit "Yes,babe bye love you." Irv ended the call "What gotten to you to visit me here?" Irv ask him "I decide to visit Elias-Clarke because i planned to buy this soon." he said jokingly which Irv just chuckle"But seriously what is the reason?" Irv still asking him "I was worried to Miranda." Irv look up from his work "If you are worried on some this pathetic articles of this gossip columnists who had no proper plans in life beside of giving hunch on someone's privacy don't worry Miranda can handle them." Irv said which Logan just nodded.
While Miranda is working someone place her a lunch a steak she always expected Miranda look up and it's
Logan "I just asked your two assistants your always lunch so i decided to buy it for you." Logan sit to a chair for visitor and wandered his eyes around the office he notice that most of her office filled with photos from past issues each months in each years he saw some pictures of her twins but two photos is taken down he thinks he can ask about it to her but Miranda will shut him off so he just let himself curious until Miranda broke the silence she finished her lunch
"If you want to ask something ask it now." Logan look at her "Well i'm curious why two photos here is taken down?" Miranda look on a photos he mean "Well to prepared? Stephen will probably planning to divorce me next day so i can easily prepared he's not a part of my life and my children's lives anymore." Logan touched her hands "I hope you and your children after all of this find happiness." Miranda smiled.
"Alec Baldwin; The New Mr. Priestly?"

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