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Nikolai, Ron, and Draco used the floo to get to Riddle Manor. They exited the manor and made their way across the garden to the cottage.

"Is he going to like me?" Ron asked nervously as the cottage came into view.

"Don't worry, Tom is cool," Draco said softly and Nikolai looked over at him to see him blushing.

Suddenly a wolf came from the back of the house and pranced toward them. "Moon," Nikolai grinned, rubbing the wolf's head as the others looked terrified. "Where is Dad?" Nikolai asked, and Moon led them to the back of the house, where Tom sat in a chair with his arms crossed and his head lolled to the side.

Taking a closer look, Nikolai realized that the man was wearing pajamas and sleeping. "Tom," Nikolai said, walking over and gently shaking the man's shoulder. Tom jumped up and looked around before his eyes settled on Nikolai.

"Hey there little snake," Tom yawned before closing his eyes again. Nikolai blushed and the two behind him laughed, making Tom open his eyes again and look at them. "Oh, you brought guests?" Tom said standing.

"We want to see if Ron has any potions on him," Nikolai said and Tom frowned.

"I see, let's go inside. I'll call a goblin to be here in an hour," he said, as he accioed a paper and pen and wrote a quick note before sending it off.

"So, how has school been?" Tom asked, and Nikolai blinked. He had never had anyone ask him that before.

"I-it was good," Nikolai said with a light blush.

"Let's go to the living room and wait a bit. Is anyone hungry?" Tom asked, and Ron immediately nodded.

The older man ordered the elf to make some food. The food came and Ron dug in while Tom motioned for Harry to follow him out of the room.

"What is going on?" Tom asked, sitting at the small table.

"Well, Ron said he didn't know about any of this; we made sure he was telling the truth under veritaserum. When I told him about the potions on me, he decided he wanted to be checked too," Nikolai said, and Tom nodded. There was a pop in the living room and they both headed there to see that the goblin had arrived.

They did the same procedure that they had done for Nikolai in the first place.

They looked over Ron's birth certificate to see what was on it.

'Birth certificate

Name: Ronald Bilius Weasley

Mother: Molly Weasley nee Prewett

Father: Arthur Weasley

Siblings: William Weasley, Charles Weasley, Percy Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, and Ginevra Weasley.

Heir to:


Creature inheritance: Fox, (blocked by Albus Dumbledore)


Loyalty potion: To Gryffindor, the Weasley family, and Albus Dumbledore. (By Molly Weasley)

Trust Potion: To Albus Dumbledore, Gryffindor, Weasley family. (By Molly Weasley)

Love Potion: To Hermione Granger (By Molly Weasley)


Marriage contract: To Hermoine Granger.'

"I don't want to marry that bitch," Ron exclaimed as he clenched the paper in his hand.

"And you won't," Tom said and Ron looked at him. "You have creature inheritance; once you go through it, you are an adult, so any contract your parents had for you will be null and void. Being a creature also means you have a mate, and it is illegal for them to make a marriage contract to anyone for you," the older man informed him, and Ron sighed in relief.

"Can I get the potions off?" Ron asked and Tom nodded.

"I'll take you to a guest room and give you the potion there. Nikolai, you and Draco go back to Hogwarts so as not to draw any attention to the three of you being gone at the same time. You can come back tomorrow for your friend," Tom said, and Ron looked nervous.

"It'll be fine. The potion takes a while to take effect, and you'll be safe here, I promise," Nikolai said, and Ron nodded, trusting his friends.

Tom led Ron out of the room and came back a few minutes later. "He took the potion, and it should take effect soon, you guys should head back," Tom said, walking them to the floo.

They returned to the school and explained everything to Severus, who sighed and cursed Dumbledore before sending the boys back to their dorms.


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Word count: 692

Re-published: May 2, 2024, 9:30 am

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