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A few weeks later, the three Hogwarts students and their professor were in the castle, trying to avoid the ever-more-persistent headmaster, a bushy-haired know-it-all, and an overly flirty Weasley.

Ron and Draco had started sharing a room in the chamber of secrets where Nikolai had moved after having enough of the two Gryffindor girls in the Common room. They had gone down to explore and found there was practically a mansion hidden behind the statue of Salazar Slytherin. It had many rooms; it had a wide floor plan for the living room with bookshelves lining all the walls filled with more books than they could count; in both Parseltongue and English, there was also a fireplace with some couches placed in front of it. There was also a door in the far right corner that led to a dining/kitchen area.

There was a staircase in the middle of the back wall leading up to the second floor. You could look up from the first floor and see all the doors on the second floor. The second floor had a small wrap-around mezzanine with five bedrooms and two bathrooms. All the rooms were master bedrooms with their own bathrooms and a small walk-in closet. Each room also had a window that showed the outside, even though they were underground.

"Magic never fails to amaze the fuck out of me," Nikolai had whispered when they had finished exploring and went back down to the first floor.

They had discovered secret passages out of the chambers but found out that you could only enter one way. Currently, Nikolai is lying in his huge bed feeling lonely. He knew Draco and Ron were probably wrapped around each other in their own room.

Suddenly, there was a knock on his door, and he groaned. "What?" he called, and the door opened to reveal his red-headed best friend. "Ron? Where's Draco?" he asked as the redhead came over and flopped on his bed.

"He's with Blaise, and since he is spending time with his best friend, I decided why not bug mine as well," Ron told him, and Nikolai huffed before pulling the sheets over his head. "No way, mate. It's lunchtime," Ron exclaimed, pulling him up and off the bed.

"Fine, Fine," the vampire fairy groaned before getting dressed and following him down to the first floor and out of one of the secret passages into the chamber. They exited a few feet away from the hall.

"Harry," two female voices called as they entered the hall. Hermoine and Ginny waved to them as they motioned for the two to come sit by them. They seemed to have thought that just because Ron and Nikolai were friends, he was automatically back on their side.

The two sat at the end of the Gryffindor table side by side facing the Slytherin table. Nikolai looked up at the teacher's table and saw Severus staring at him. He felt his face go red as he made eye contact, they maintained it for a few minutes before Nikolai finally looked away.

"I saw that," Ron teased softly and Nikolai frowned at him.

"You saw nothing," Nikolai said, looking down at his food.

"I saw the two of you making eyes at each other, I see the way you have been watching him since the spring ball. I also know that was your flower tangled up with his," Ron said and Nikolai looked up at him wide-eyed.

"Does Draco know?" He asked and Ron shook his head.

"You asked me not to tell, so I won't, not even my mate," He said and Nikolai grinned.

They finished eating, and both stood to exit the dining room when a hand grabbed Nikolai and spun him around; he felt a female body press against him and quickly stepped back.

"Harry, you have been ignoring me since we got back," Ginny whined, and Nikolai almost gagged at her flirty attitude. "You haven't even asked me on a date yet," she pouted, twirling her red hair between her fingers.

"Yes, I haven't, and I never will," He stated, and Ginny's eyes got teary, making him huff and turn his head to keep from rolling his eyes at her pathetic look. "If you weren't fluttering around the school like a whore maybe someone would take a genuine interest in you," He said before turning and exiting the hall.

"How dare you talk to me like that!!" the redhead screeched, pulling out her wand and cursing Nikolai. She blasted him a few times before Ron finally got to her and shoved her over, grabbing her wand off the floor. Severus rushed out of the Great Hall and over to Nikolai when he saw the younger one on the floor.

"I'll take him to Saint Mungo's," he said, picking up the younger, and turned to Dumbledore. "You will be paying for this," he said before he rushed out of the castle across the borders and apparated to the hospital.

The doctors immediately examined the boy who lived and rushed into action to take him from Severus, but the man stepped back. Balancing Nikolai with one arm, he pulled out his wand. "Doctor MacNair," he stated. "No one will heal him besides MacNair," he said, and a nurse nodded and ran off.

"We'll take you to a private room until Doctor MacNair comes," the nurse said, leading them to a room. Severus placed him on the bed. "We will have another doctor look him over until then," Severus waved his wand, freezing her in place.

McNair ran into the room a few seconds later; Severus released the nurse, who rushed out of the room as MacNair got to work. "What happened?" The grumpy man asked to do his work.

"A student attacked him," Severus said as the door opened and Lucius, Tom, Draco, and Ron rushed in.

"Ronald told us what happened," Tom said, going over to Severus and they all watched nervously as the doctor worked.

About an hour later, MacNair stepped back and sighed. "He is stable, but he lost too much blood. I will have to test him to see what type he is to see if we have a match," He said and he went into a drawer and grabbed a needle, drew some blood, and exited the room.

"How did this happen?" Tom asked, turning to Severus, "The charm I gave him was supposed to protect him from those little school curses," He hissed, and the dark man shook his head.

"It wasn't a simple school spell; it was a dark spell; I heard her yell it," Severus said, running a hand through his hair. "Someone has been teaching her dark magic, dangerous dark magic that she likely doesn't know how to control," Severus said and Tom growled.

"If we had her wand, we could scan it," Lucius said. Ron dug into his pocket and held out the wand he had grabbed from his sister earlier.

"I grabbed this when I stopped her from attacking Nikolai a fourth time," He said, handing Lucius the wand.

"I'll take this to the ministry and be back in an hour," he said before disappearing.

"I hope he'll be alright," Draco spoke as he leaned into Ron.


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Word count: 1182

Re-published: May 2,  2024, 11 am

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