A tiny room.

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Annie's new room was tiny, there was barely enough space to walk. She couldn't say she was too surprised though, as the trailer itself was small. She felt like Harry Potter, living in a cupboard under the stairs, only this was clearly an old pantry that her mother had cleaned out. There was a small window for her to look out of and her mother had gotten the uncles to build a loft bed so Annie could have more room. Still, it was cramped. But she forced a smile for her mother, the divorce had been hard enough, Annie's complaints were not needed.

Under the bed sat her desk and a cupboard. A small nightstand sat below the window and the only corner was occupied by a very small closet. All the furniture was black and the walls were white.

Annie took a deep breath and set the box she was carrying down. She had already gotten rid of a lot of her things, she hoped the things she did keep would fit in the small space, it was already hard to move around the 2 boxes of her things and she had one more and a trash bag of clothes out in her moms car. She opened the small window to air out the new house smell, her mother's voice floating to her ears. She must've been talking to neighbors. Annie had heard that Hawkins was a friendly place, so small that everyone knew each other in some shape or form.

Loretta Park, Annie's mother, was a chatty woman. Friendly almost to an over bearing extent. The 40 year old woman looked almost nothing like her daughter, her blonde hair and brown eyes a stark contrast to Annie's brown hair and green eyes. They shared the same alabaster skin and small stature, if you payed enough attention they had the same face shape. Otherwise Annie took after her father when it came to looks.

The sound of Annie's doc martens on the wooden steps made its way to Loretta. "Mom, I'm missing a box and my bag of clothes."

Loretta turned to her daughter. "Probably in the living room, hun. But come over here, this is Mr. Munson he's our neighbor!"

Wayne Munson was tall, starting to bald and tired eyed. Annie noted that he smelled of cigarettes and cheap beer but that his smile was a genuine and kind one.

"Please, call me Wayne, can't stand the formal crap." Wayne held out his hand to Annie. "Pleased to meet ya, darlin'."

Annie took his calloused hand and she smiled. "Annie, and it's nice to meet you."

"Wayne says he has a son your age!" Loretta placed a hand on Annie's shoulder and squeezed gently.

Annie was dreading this, her mother pushing her to make friends. She'd thought she'd at least have a couple of days to get used to the place, seems like she thought wrong.

"He's a good kid, even if he is rough around the edges..." Wayne took in Annie's appearance. Her eyeliner and black lipstick, doc martens, long black skirt and a Black Sabbath T-shirt. "Seems like you two would get along well."

As if on cue a 1977 GMC van pulled up to the trailer on the left, kicking up dirt and gravel as Iron Maiden's Hallowed be thy name blared from its speakers. Annie's curiosity was now officially peeked, she had 2 favorite songs in this world: Metallica's Nothing else matters and Iron Maiden's Hallowed be the name. The song kicked off abruptly as the own of the van exited. He was a metal-heads wet dream.

Edward Munson, or Eddie as others called him, was a tall man. 5ft 9in, he towered over his uncle by 3 inches. He was well built, skinny but not lanky yet not overly muscular. A mischievous smirk graced his plump lips which oddly complimented his big brown doe eyes. His hair was unruly, dark brown curls that weren't properly taken care of graced just below his shoulders.

"Thought you were going to work, Old man."

"I'm on my way, Eddie this is Loretta and Annie Park." Wayne gestured towards the 2 women.

Annie realized as Eddie's eyes seemed to scan her that she'd been holding in a breath. She didn't think she'd meet someone like her in Hawkins.

"Welcome to Forest Hills." Eddie nodded, his hands tucked firmly in his pockets. He didn't like new people.

Annie gave him a nod back. "Mom I think Mr. Munson needs to work, we have to finish unpacking..." she tugged gently on her mother's sleeve.

"Oh! Right. It was nice meeting you boys! We'll have to have dinner sometime!" Loretta smiled and waved as she walked into her trailer.

Annie was already in her room unpacking. Within about an hour she had finished, decorating her room in a clean neutral gothic style.

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She sighed, lit her incense, and took a moment to relax. She sat on her floor and closed her eyes, meditating for a moment, something her therapist back home had taught her. Only Louisiana wasn't home anymore, this was. A tiny room, in a tiny house, in forest hills trailer park, Hawkins Indiana.

"The Munsons seem nice."

Her mother's voice jolted her back to reality. "Yeah, I guess."

"You guess? Eddie seems right up your alley."

Annie opened her eyes and looked up at her mother who was sitting in the chair next to her wardrobe. "He seems nice...Mom I really don't want you to get your hopes up. Eddie might not want anything to do with me...can't force a friendship, you know?"

"...Just, try. Try to make the most of this. It's a new start."

Annie bit the inside of her cheek. Her mother never listened, she was kind and supportive, but she never listened. "...okay..."

Loretta smiled and kissed her daughter's forehead, before saying that she'll order pizza for dinner and that the room looked nice.

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