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Eddie was going to graduate. This year was his year. He was determined and so even though he wanted to skip school, he dragged himself out of bed and got ready for the day. He threw toast in the toaster and brewed some coffee, didn't know which clothes on his floor were dirty so he chose what didn't smell too bad.

He downed a cup of the scalding hot coffee, leaving the rest for Wayne who was snoring in the chair. Shoved toast in his mouth and rushed out the door and into his van. The trailer next door caught his eye as he drove away. What was the girls name again? Anthrax, something like that? She seemed quiet, though if the T-shirt she wore was actually hers then her taste in music was impeccable.

Speak of the devil.

Eddie saw her sitting at the bus stop on the end of the road. The bus didn't pick up at the trailer park anymore, she was new so of course she didn't know that. Eddie assessed his level of care in this situation. It would be awkward if he just drove past, they were neighbors after all. He'd be late for class though, but she looked so lonely just sitting there...

Mentally cursing at himself he yanked the steering wheel over and opened his passenger door. "Get in."

"I-I'm waiting for the bus-"

"Bus doesn't run over here. Get. In."

A moment passed but she did as told, climbing into the passenger seat. She'd barely shut the door before Eddie took off like a bat out of hell down the gravel road.

"Eddie, Right?"

He turned down Motörhead. "The one and only." He had a smile on his face that could melt anyone's heart.

Eddie had a soft spot for women. Not in a sexual manner, nothing creepy, it stemmed from losing his mother. Yeah his pervert scale was a bit higher than others, but Wayne had taught him to respect women, and Eddie Munson was nothing if not a gentleman at heart.

He looked at the woman in his passenger seat. She wore a ramones T-shirt with a red plaid maxi skirt and the same doc martens that she'd been wearing when he met her. He had to admit her clothing choice, her style in general, was ballsy. Especially for a small town like Hawkins, those assholes were going to eat her up.

 Especially for a small town like Hawkins, those assholes were going to eat her up

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"Brave choice." He gestured at the shirt.

She crinkled her nose. "Says the man sporting 'DIO' on his back in gigantic ass letters."

Eddie threw his head back and laughed. "Listen Anthrax, people here aren't as accepting as people in the big city."

"My name is Annie."

So that was her name. Eddie shrugged. "Same difference."

A giggle escaped her throat, she shook her head and rolled her eyes. "Fair enough."

Eddie smirked as he pulled into the school parking lot. Annie jumped out as he turned the van off. "Thanks...Erectile Dysfunction."

Eddie nearly choked on his own spit. "Oh I assure you everything works and has satisfied many." He winked

"Well we'll work on the nicknames!" She waved as she ran off.

Oh yeah, she was going to be eaten alive. Eddie had no doubt about it.

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