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Severus and MacNair returned to the room to find Tom sitting by Nikolai's bed asleep.

"I'll hook him up, and then I'll leave you guys," the doctor said, quickly doing his job and leaving the room.

"Tom," Severus called as he tapped the man's shoulder, making him wake up. "Where is everyone?" he asked.

"I sent the boys back to school, and...Lucius went to the ministry," Tom said and Severus nodded.

"Did he say anything?" The dark-haired man asked and Tom shook his head.

"You know he wouldn't say anything to me; if he has something to say to you, you're the one who's going to hear it," Tom said, and Severus sighed.

"I know, I have to go talk to him, but I need to go back to the school first," Severus said before pausing at the door and looking over at Nikolai.

Severus made his way out of the hospital and apparated to Hogsmeade. He walked to Hogwarts and made his way to his quarters. "Draco, Ron, are you here?" he called as he took off his outer robe and hung it by the door.

"We're here uncle," Draco called, coming out of his room with Ron close behind him.

"Did anything happen?" He asked the two, and they shook their heads as he walked by them and into the kitchen; he made his way to the sink, grabbed a glass, filled it with water, and drank it in one go. "I have to go talk to Dumbledore, but first I have to make sure all the others are in their dorms," He said before exiting his quarters, went to the dorms and got one of the perfects to call all the students down and double checked to make sure everyone was there.

"Great, now that you are all here, I am going to say this once and anyone who can't follow what I am about to say will be punished," He spoke loudly and clearly, "As of today, You are to travel in groups of three or more, no matter where you are going, avoid Dumblersore at all times. I want you to report to the dorm for check-in during the lunch period, and all the other dorm rules still apply. If you are hurt, DO NOT go to the medi-wing, you come to me. Am I clear?" He asked and the students answered that they did.

Severus left the common room and went to Dumbledore's office. He said the password and entered the room to find the other head of houses seated in front of Dumbledore's desk. "Severus, it's nice of you to join us," Dumbledore said, looking down at him through his half-moon glasses.

"I had a responsibility to fulfill to my student who was injured under the care of the school," he said as he gracefully sat down in the chair that had been left empty for him.

"Yes, the little spat between Mr. Potter and Ms. Weasley had out in the hall this evening, it seems that they had an argument and Ms. Weasley got a bit emotional and fired a curse at Harry. Some Aurors came about an hour later and arrested Ms. Weasley after Harry was taken to the hospital." Dumbledore said and the other three heads turned to look at Severus.

"What? I wasn't the one to report her," The vampire said.

"Yes, but you were the one to take him to Saint Mungo's; if you had taken him to Pomprefy, we could have kept it quiet," MgGonagall hissed, and Severus raised a brow.

"I doubt Pompfrey has the skills to fix the boy. She can barely fix the smallest things that get sent to her on a daily basis anyway," he said, and McGonagall glared at him.

Suddenly the floo flared and two figures rushed out, "Albus, what have you done? You let my baby be arrested!!" Molly yelled as she ran out of the floo and towards Dumbledore's desk.

"Now, Now, Molly, my dear," Dumbledore said, standing as Arthur came up beside his wife. "We will fix this," he said before turning to the head of houses and dismissing them. The four got up and left the room. Snape hung back a little as the others exited the office.

He stood by the door and listened to the three talks. "Don't worry, Molly. We will go to the hospital, and I'm sure after a nice talk and some slight compulsion he will surely be back on our side. We'll go in the morning," he heard Dumbledore say before he rushed down the stairs and to his quarters.

He rushed in, got a piece of paper, and wrote a quick note about what he had just heard. "Draco," he called, and the younger exited his room in his pajamas. "I need you to take this to your father, now," he said, handing the blonde the paper. Draco sleepy stepped into the floo and went to the Manor.

Severus sighed as he went to his bedroom and stripped before lying down, tired from the day's events.


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Word count: 825

Re-published: May 2, 2024, 12 pm

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