Bullshit Systems

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Heaven a place where good people who believe and do good deeds go to live in paradise with everyone. A place where nothing bad happens where there's no fighting, no violence, no war just living in bliss having the time of your life with everyone around.

Then you have Hell a place where all the evil goes to burn and be tortured for eternity and end up with the worst scum on earth. All kinds of demons are in hell imps, hellhounds, succubus and incubus and many more demons.

But what if it was all a lie the hell that everyone believes is so bad is chaotic yes but being tortured it's all bullshit you have freedom down there be as evil as you wanna be you wanna steal go for it, you wanna kill someone it's the norm of hell, you wanna do drugs people eat that shit for breakfast. It's not as bad as some may say it's bad when you meet the wrong people but as long as you keep your head down and know how to fight it gets pretty easy. Hell has a weird system you got the hellborn such as Imps, and hellhouds which are the lowest of all in hell. Then you have hellborn such as  incubus and succubus, fish demons, baphomets which are also low but they get more respect then imps and hellhounds but they all get through all the rings no problem. Then you got the sinners the people on earth who died and got sent down here there subjected to the pride ring who are stuck there for the rest of eternity some end up lucky with powers to defend themselves and make it to the top while others just end up with shit luck. Next you got the overloads who are sinners that rose to the top and have territory to claim and souls to own and also have unimaginable power I mean come on what the fuck do you expect everyone fights for power. Then you have Ars Goetia the royalty of hell but don't let it fool you royalty is never to be fucked with in hell and if your dumb to try your funeral. Then you have the Seven deadly sins of hell all ex angels of heaven who rebeled with Luciferia and got sent to hell they each run a ring of there own Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Pride, Wrath, Envy, and Sloth. Next you have Lilith Morningstar and Liliths Daughter Charlotte Morningstar the Queen and princess of hell they have the authority to do as they please Lilith makes music in hell her voice alone hypnotizes people and dare i say even the first Succubus in existence she is calming as much as she is threatening and extremely deadly while as charlotte is respected but not taken as serisouly due to her dream redeeming sinners and wanting them to go to heaven she may be a laughing stock but piss her off enough and you'll lose your life everyone has a breaking point. And lastly you have the big boss of hell Luciferia the demon who started it all with her rebellion in heaven and now runs all of hell and has eyes and ears everywhere.

Now hevean has a similar system like hell first you have the heaven born called cherubs who take care of a lot of simple and some challenge tasks in heaven they get over looked a lot but hey everyone usually gets overlooked on the bottom of the food chain. Then you have winners opposite of sinners the good people who did right by god and all to judge in heaven to be let in. Next you have the Exterminators the so called angels who do good for heaven but really go to hell and kill the damned who already sealed their fates more on them later.
Next you have Seraphims the celestial beings who run the courts of heaven and praise the good word of hevean and god. Then you have the archangels of heaven aka Luciferias siblings they have more power then seraphim's and their word always goes as said and best not to question them. Lastly you have the big woman herself God the one who truly runs heaven and wants all the good people to join her and the others up in heaven. Now heaven doesn't sound so bad right sounds like it's a nice place to be it could be but the exterminations are hidden from most people in heaven only a select few know of it while everyone else is in the dark so much in the dark that not even god herself knows of it happening. The worst part is  their so called Devine judgment is all bulllshit they just pick and choose who goes to heaven example a woman who only had one sin her whole life killing her husband and killing a cannabil for sleeping with her husband it may sound bad but how many people can say they committed one sin then you have a womanizing asshole like Adam who selfish spoiled greedy and a narcissist who may have been the first human but it's no excuse and somehow gets a free pass.

You would think god would know about what's going on in heaven right she would never let this go on and allow for angels to go down and murder people who are already suffering for eternity in hell right. WRONG SO FUCKING WRONG SOMEHOW AS A SICK FUCKING JOKE SHE HAS NO IDEA THAT THIS HAS BEEN HAPPENING goes to show Angels aren't loyal to god and want to do things their way maybe ill have to go up there myself and expose it I wonder what she would look like angry that'd be a sight to see hehehe. But soon my plan will come into play and we'll just see who's laughing in the end who will come out the strongest and who comes out dead.

Stay tuned!!

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