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Lucius sighed as he sat in his ministry office. He had a lot of work today, which he did not want to do. He would rather be at home spending time with his partners.

He put the last paper he had to deal with on the large pile on his desk and sat back he ran his hand over his face and sighed.

Standing, he quickly picked up the pile of papers and placed them in a safe under the floor beneath his desk.

He exited the office and made his way to the elevator. Exiting the ministry's lobby, he paused when he saw Dumbledore and a few other Order members walking around the entrance.

Cautiously, he stepped out of the elevator and made his way toward the exit. Watching carefully as he did.

He exited the building and was making his way down the stairs when he heard Dumbledore calling his name.

Ignoring the man he quickly apparated away, reappearing on the front steps of Malfoy manor.

He made his way towards the cottage, smoking when he felt Severus's familiar presence. He entered the cottage, went down to the potion lab, and knocked on the door, which opened seconds later.

"Lucius, you're home," the potion master smiled, wrapping his arms around the blonde. "How was work?" He asked as they exited the lab and made their way back upstairs.

"It was awfully boring," Lucius said, "But I did see Dumbledore and a few Order members walking around the ministry while I was leaving," he finished.

"Dumbledore has been trying to track Harry Potter down, he has become desperate in his search. He has been going to the ministry to get them to track him with the trace of his magic that they have on his file," Severus said, and Lucius nodded.

"That makes sense," He said as he entered the bedroom.

He started to strip out of his work robes and made his way toward the bathroom. Turning on the shower and making sure the water was at the right temperature.

He stepped into the shower, sighing as the water ran down his skin. Arms wrapped around his waist and a naked chest pressed against his back.

Turning around he gently pressed his lips to Severus's.

The dark man ran his hand down his hips and to his butt cheeks squeezing them firmly before removing his lips from Lucius's and attaching them to his neck.

Severus slowly ran his hand toward Lucius's entrance and ran a finger over the puckered entrance, causing Lucius to moan.

Severus entered a finger and Lucius stiffened against him.

"You're so tight," Severus breathed out and Lucius hummed.

"We...I haven't bottomed in almost a month," Lucius moaned as another finger was added.

Severus fingered him until Lucius was a mess; he pulled out his fingers and spun Lucius around, bending him over. Using one hand to push his wet hair out of his face he used his other to line himself up and slowly pushed into Lucius.

The blonde's head dropped forward, as he let out a low moan. "Oh, Merlin," Severus grunted as he slowly pulled out and pushed back in.

He kept a slow pace, gathering Lucius's wet hair, and pulled him up against him. He wrapped an arm around his chest and the other around his partner's cock.

Lucius moaned loving the feeling of Severus slowly fucking him as the warm shower water ran down his skin.

He felt a heat pool in his lower belly as he stiffened, cumming hard as his legs shook. He felt Severus pick up pace finding his own release a few seconds later.

Severus pulled out of Lucius and reached for the loofa on the book. He washed them both off the bed gently picking up the other and taking him to the bedroom.

He placed Lucius on the bed and covered him with the sheets as the blonde gave him an odd look.

"What's that look for?" Severus asked climbing into bed as well.

"Nikolai, he probably felt that slight sting of pain when your mate sleeps with someone else," Lucius groaned, and Severus swore.

"I forgot he would feel it, we will talk with him when we see him in two days," Severus assured him before lying down and pulling Lucius close to him.


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Word count: 692

Re-published: May 2, 2024, 2 pm

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