What are your thoughts about Harry Potter ships?

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Okay there is no way I know or can think of all the ships in Harry Potter but I will put what I know and can think of and if you want my opinion on a ship I didn't list, put it in the comments and I'll add it to my list

1. Romione ~ Don't even try to tell me Romione isn't amazing because it is

2. Hinny ~ I shipped Hinny on again off again from the second book. It's the best ship with Harry

3. Dramione ~ No. Just no. It's definitely not the worst ship in Harry Potter but it's still just no

4. Cedric X Harry ~ Who even came up with this?! NO

5. Lavender X Ron ~ Nuh uh! Ron hated being with Lavender!

6. Drarry ~ 0/10. WHO CAME UP WITH THIS?!

Tell me what ship you want to know my opinion on and I'll add it. Also don't attack me for my opinions...I get that some people actually ship this and that's fine just don't attack me please!

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