
519 18 10

1. pilot

"It shouldn't be too hard," Pearl explained.

Pearl is our ice skating coach. We just call her by her name though, because she doesn't really like being called 'Coach'. Says it makes her seem old, thought it really doesn't & she really isn't, in my opinion.

"That's what she said."

There was a small silence as Tina got looks from our fellow teammates and coach, who were already used to this, then we turned to look at each-other, and that's when the laughs started.

Pearl let out a small sigh as she stared at us with pursed lips.

"Are you guys okay?" Luke, one of our fellow skaters, asked.

"Just like a tiny bit!" Tina put 2 of her fingers up, slightly apart.

"Omg, you know what else is a tiny bit?"

She turned to me as i looked at her fingers then back at her. It took her a second to get that i was making fun of her crush, and she surprisingly didn't get annoyed like she usually did.

We held eye contact for a second before she burst out laughing and i followed suit.

We giggled and as we found it funny, unlike our fellow skaters and Coach.

Pearl stood staring at us, hands on hips, with an annoyed look plastered on her face.

Luke skated slightly closer & gave a kick to our backs.

"Hey! That shit actually hurts!"

"Luke, we don't hit our teammates," Pearl scolded.

"It wasn't hitting! It was a kick!" Luke defended.

But Pearl only glared.

After a few solid seconds of laughing, she let out a sigh, "you guys done yet?"

We inhaled and tried to hold in laughs, but we made the mistake of looking at each-other and the laughs just slipped out.

"Come on, cut it out," Pearl clapped at us and, while i managed to stop for the most part, Tina wasn't having the same success and she was starting to laugh again.

"Tina," Pearl's voice was firm. She was now using her scary tone. She was getting tired of us, or more specifically Tina.

A few laughs slipped from Tina, but she did eventually stop with the help from the looks from Pearl's, me and the other skaters.


"Hey, you busy this weekend?" Tina asked the question as we were packing up after practice.

"Uh, not sure, maybe no-"

"Good, because you're going with Jovi and Lindsey somewhere."

"Woah, uh- ok. You're not going then, i'm assuming?"

"Well, i was, but i got a pregnant SIL to get to, so you're going in my place."

I smiled at her, "nice to know i'm just a replacement to you," i commented sarcastically.

She rolled her eyes, "you're not just a replacement to me, Lori. You're a good personal driver, too," she retorted back with equal sarcasm.

"Shut up- wait, Mary is pregnant?! Again?" i asked as i remembered what Tina had just mentioned.

"I know right?!" Tina agreed, the topic from before almost forgotten, "i love her and all, but she needs to start closing her legs."

I snorted, "and you need to do the opposite."

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