chapter thirty

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"Arya you have to get out of bed please" yasmina knocks on my door. 2 days later and i havent gotten out of bed.

"Well- i have someone here to see you" she says

"I swear if it's joao" i say

"No just open the door" she says

"Fine wait let me freshen up" i sigh getting out of bed and to the bathroom. I freshen up and then open the door.

"Ruben bernardo?" i furrow my brows.

"Yeah we were gonna surprise you guys and then we come this morning and yasmina tells us youve been locked in there for 2 days whats up?" ruben says

"Me and joao broke up" i huff. His jaw drops and he gives me a hug.

"Aye what?" bernardo gasps "what did he do?"

"Well so- i said amo te? And then he said amo te magui" i sniffle. Their jaws drop even more.

"Filho de puta thats what he is" bernardo gasps shaking his head and giving me a hug.

"Magui? As in his ex magui?" ruben says

"Yep" i sigh

"Theres more to the story isnt it" ruben furrows his brows "ohh you slept together for the first time didnt you?"

This is hella awkward to be talking with your cousin.

"Uhh" i say "kinda"

"What the flip!" bernardo gasps his voice so high pitched it could break glass. I nod and wipe my eyes.

"Well im gonna go talk to him" ruben shakes his head about to walk out the door.

"Ey what?" me and yasmina nboth ask

"No what the fuck? He calls you magui? Nah im not tolerating that if youve been locked up in your room crying for 2 days straight that fucking son of bitch" he says

"Yes i agree" yasmina nods "go beat his ass ruben"

"Wait can someone come with me the driving is on the other side of the road i dont understand it" ruben says.

"Okay ill come - bernardo stay here" yasmina says. Then the next thing i know is yasmina and ruben have gone to 'beat joaos ass' which i dont think theyll do but oh well.

"Okay so i know how to make cheese toasties do you want one?" bernardo asks.

"Yes" i say. He makes them for us and then comes and sits down.

"So how long had you guys been dating?" he asks

"4 months" i sigh

"4 months and it's been what a year since he broke up with that cheating mole rat hes mental" bernardo shakes his head.

"Do you think yasmina and ruben are actually gonna fight him?" i ask

"I think yasmina will try and ruben will just like- talk a bit angrily or something" he chuckles. I smile weakly and we go back to talking and eating.

All of a sudden i start feeling like im gonna throw up. I run to the bathroom while bernardo thinks that he poisoned me.

"Uh oh are you goo-" he sees me throwing up.


(i dont think bernardo would say this but the audio makes me laugh)

He runs around the house not knowing what to do.

"Bernardo just calm down im fine" i say cleaning up. I brush my teeth and then come back out.

"Do you think it was the cheese?" he scrunches his face.

"No no ive had food poisoning before it isnt like this" i groan holding my stomach. I started feeling dizzy too.

"Okay uh okay just lay down" bernardo says. I lay down on the couch and he puts a blanket over me with a trash can.

"Thanks wait-" i mumble standing up to go turn the ac on. All of a sudden everything starts feeling - weird. My eyes get heavier and then they close.


"Arya arya arya" i wake up to ruben slapping my cheek.

"Um ow?" i groan

"Aye dios mios" yasmina sighs "we thought you died".

"Yeah bro bernardo is thinking he killed you with the cheese toastie" ruben says helping me up. I fainted, i dont faint- like ever.

"What happened?" yasmina asks

"I dunno" i sigh as ruben hands me a glass of water.

"How long are you guys in barcelona for?" i ask as i sit down drinking it

"A week- but what happened?" ruben says

"I told you- i dunno" i shrug "but wheres bernardo?"

"Bernardo shes up quit panicking!" ruben yells, bernardo runs into the room looking sick "IM SO SORRY"

"Oh yur such a sweet soul berny" i laugh making ruben shake his head and laugh

"It wasnt the food okay?" i chuckle patting the poor guys back. "So what happened with joao" i ask. "He wasnt home" ruben sighs

I nod and i siletily continue drinking the water. I start feeling like im gonna throw up, again. I run to the bathroom, and i end up spending some good time in there.

"Arya are you okay?" i hear a knock on the door

"Yeah" i sigh weakly, flushing the toilet and brushing my teeth.

"What happened?" yasmina aasks

"Just threw up" i sigh washing my face too.

"For 10 minutes? Im calling a doctor" ruben says. Outside the bedroom goes silent, im confused since all i heard was them yapping before and now i hear nothing.

Soon after i hear the bedroom door open and shut, and then the bathroom door knock.

"Can i come in" yasmina asks

"Yeah" i unlock it. We both sit on my bed and she looks quite nervous.

"So i was thinking- uh, what if youre pregnant" she says. I let out a laugh but stop once i realise she is being for real.

And then i think about it, could i be? But im 100% sure we used protection.

"I sent ruben and bernardo to go get a test" she says. I nod and she goes to the kitchen to make some food. I feel nauseous so i take another nap.


guys justice for Ali I locked him out again

Have a good day/night and dont forget to vote!



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