chapter thirty one

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"wake up" ruben shakes me awake. He hands me a box "go pee or whatever you need to do". I side eye him before getting up and going to the bathroom.

I take the piss and then wait for 15 minutes. The suspense is making me want to scream. Then after my timer goes off I check.


I groan and put my hands on my head. Fuck. I come out of the bathroom after a while of thinking. 

"hi guys!" I say walking into the living room.

"are you pregnant?" Ruben asks

"what happened to hi? hello? how are you?" I ask getting myself a glass of water.  They all glare at me.

"I'm pregnant" I say after chugging the water.

"you're pregnant!" their brows raise

"yeah" I nod

"are you happy about it?" yasmina asks. 

"well yeah I've always wanted to be a mum and stuff so" I shrug

"well in that case that's great news!" Ruben says throwing his hands in the air and coming over to hug me. They all come and hug me, and then after alot of attempts I finally manage to side track them from all the questions and put on a movie.

I sit and stare at the wall in my bedroom. Then I get i slip out of the house and to my car. I'm not even thinking as I drive to Joaos house. When I finally get there, I get out and knock on the door.

A couple seconds later the door opens, and its not Joao its- magui.

"oh hi you're joaos girlfriend right?" she smiles. Her smile is so pretty, shes wearing a new designer top that I could never afford. Her hair perfectly blowed out, her blue eyes just seem to be sparkling in the moonlight.

And my shirt is cheap, my hair is barely brushed, and my eyes arent even the pretty kind of brown. 

"who is it?" Joao comes towards the door, smiling at whatever conversation him and Magui had before. 

His smile slowly fades as he sees me, and his jaw slowly drops.

"Arya meu amor i-"

"nice seeing you" I say, walking away from his doorstep and to where I parked my car, a couple streets away.

Tears stream down my face, its been 2 days. 2 days.

"Arya wait" Joao runs down the street, catching up to me.

"shut up you fucking pig" I say wiping my eyes, glaring at him and continuing walking. He still continues.

"meu amor its not what it looks like!" he says running after me

"then what is it Joao?" I stop walking "what's your explanation as to why your ex is at your house- after we broke up 2 days ago for you saying you love her?!?!! and then yesterday I saw a paparazzi photo of you two?" 

"Arya" he says, tears in his eyes

"why are you crying!" I sob "you're the one that did this to me". 

"I love you" he says, his eyes drenched in tears, but not more than mine.

"no you love her" I say

"no I love you" he picks up my hands. And then I realize its raining. I'm sobbing, but I cant help it. I loved this boy so so much. I thought he was the one. And I'm gonna have to see him for the rest of my life, I'll have to see him and another woman, him and his future kids with her. All because we're gonna have a baby. How much I wanted this to happen a different way, how much I wanted to raise this baby with him. 

"I love you, everything about you. I love your laugh. I love your smile, I love your eyes, I love your face, your body, your hair, your personality, youre my everything" he says, the rain still not concealing his tears.

"you love MAGUI, you love her smile her laugh her eyes her face her body her personality, shes your everything!" I sob "don't lie to yourself joao- I get that I was just a distraction from her, but you don't need to lie to me about it"

"I don't love her I love you" he cries

"how could you love me Joao?! look at her and look at me! I wouldnt be able to get over her either!" I sob

"don't say that" he says "have you looked in a mirror"

"yeah and I cry everytime now let me go" I say. He doesn't let go of the grip on my hand

"let me go" I say

"no you have to listen to me-"

"listen to what? how it was an accident? how you didn't mean to? and you do this right after getting me fucking pregnant" I say. We go silent. 

"you're pregnant?" he says, his voice now soft but cracking

"mhm" I say "I came over here to tell you but I guess your too busy making another one". And with that I leave. And this time he doesn't follow.

I get in the car and cry. I remember everything we've been through together and cry. I remember how much I loved him and I cry. I remember how much he loves magui and I stop.


lil emo chapter

have a good day/night and don't forget to vote!



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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