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Nikolai knew this was kind of a crazy idea, but he was going to do it anyway. He made his way out of the cottage and out into the garden. His glamor was down, and his wings glittered as he walked. Lucius and Severus were out taking care of business and would be back shortly. He laid out the picnic blanket he brought. He placed everything in order before he sent his patronus to both to meet him there when they got back. Now, he sat and waited.

"Nikolai," a voice said behind him a few minutes later and he turned to see both men walking towards him.

"What is all this?" Severus asked as he helped Lucius to sit.

"I just figured I could do something nice for my three favorite people in the world," He smirked even though he was completely nervous. He moved and pulled Lucius between his legs, making the blond lean back against him as Nikolai's arms circled him and rested on his small bump.

They sat there for a while, Nikolai listening to the others talk about their days. "Nikolai, are you alright? you seem a bit lost," Lucius said and Nikolai realized that he wasn't listening. His wings fluttered nervously as he sat straighter.

"You know when I first met you both in person, I thought you were both arseholes," He said, and Lucius jerked away from him. "That came out wrong," He said and both males raised a brow at him.

"Was there a nice way to say that?" Severus said, raising a brow at him.

"What I am trying to say is, even though for the last few years we have been on different sides of the war I have always admired you both. Lucius, I always followed the work you did at the ministry in the youth and education department, and I was shocked and pleased at some of the changes that you made throughout the system. And Severus, I read a few of your essays on potions that you wrote, and I still have your potions book with all the little notes you scribbled in it from your days in school, and I was just impressed. When I figured out that Severus was my mate and I realized he was already dating someone I tried to stay away from him. I know how hard life was for him growing up, and I didn't want to take that from him. And then we started dating and it was everything I could ever hope for. And now we have a baby on the way. It just seemed so surreal, and I just wanted to tell you both that I love you guys," He said, and Lucius turned in his arms around the younger.

"Oh, Nikolai, we love you too," He said as Severus shuffled across the blanket to join their hug.

"There is more," Nikolai said as he dug through his pocket and pulled out a small wrapped box. It's for both of you," he said as the other two pulled away. Lucius took the box and opened it before gasping, looking at the two rings inside. "Will you marry me? I know we are still going to mate, but..." His sentence was cut off by a soft pair of lips attached to his.

The person pulled away and looked into Lucius's teary gray eyes. "I would love to marry you," he said, and Nikolai grinned before looking over at Severus, who looked stunned. His eyes were wide, and his mouth kept opening and closing.

"Severus?" Nikolai said hesitantly.

"I'm getting married," Severus said, shocked, as he looked between the two. " Oh, wow," he said, and Nikolai laughed before pulling the potion master into his chest.

"We have to start planning, there is so much to plan," Lucius said, and Nikolai cleared his throat.

"Actually, I already planned everything; we just have to send invitations," he said, grinning.

"And when is the date?" Severus asked.

"I thought we could pick that together," Nikolai said.

"How about two weeks from today?" Lucius said, and the others agreed and started planning a guest list as Nikolai's heart finally started to calm down.


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Word count: 683

Re-published: May 2, 2024, 7 pm

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