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Nikolai grinned as he looked out the window as the wedding guests started to arrive at Malfoy Manor. He was nervous; he hadn't seen Severus and Lucius since last night when Tom insisted they spend the night apart.

There was a knock on the door before it opened and three redheads rushed in and hugged him. "Nikolai, we are happy for you," Fred spoke, as his twin and Ron nodded.

"You look good," Ron said as they pulled away. Nikolai was dressed in a dark red wedding robe with slits for his wings as the three had agreed to let their creatures be free on their wedding day.

The three redheads were dressed in dark green, which complimented their hair. "How has business been?" Nikolai asked the twins.

"It has been booming, we are thinking about moving out and expanding the shop upstairs," George said.

"We have just been having some problems finding the right place," Fred finished, as a knock came at the door.

The twins lit up as they rushed to the door to let Ezra in. "Hi," the fairy said shyly as he entered the room. Nikolai's eyes zoned in on his pregnant belly, which was just a bit bigger than Lucius's.

"You're pregnant," He said as he hugged the other who nodded, "You and Lucius will have plenty to talk about," Nikolai said, and Ron huffed.

"Am I the only one waiting till after marriage to get laid?" He asked and the other four laughed.

"The wedding is about to start. Take your places," Tom said as he came through the door, and the others quickly left the room.

"Nikolai, may I speak with you for a moment," Ezra asked, and Nikolai looked back at him. "Um, my aunt found the invitation you sent me, and I told her who you were, and she insisted on coming. I tried to ditch her, but when I activated the port key, she grabbed onto it and apparated here with me," Ezra said, and Nikolai frowned.

"Where is she now?" He asked.

"She is knocked out in one of the downstairs bedrooms without her wand and will be like that till the end of your wedding in about an hour and a half," Ezra said and Nikolai nodded.

"Well, let's get this show on the road," Nikolai said, heading down to where the others were waiting.

The wedding proceeded as planned and now they were at the reception. The three grooms sat at the head table watching everyone dance and enjoy themselves. They had already cut the cake and had their first dance and were just sitting together now.

"Do you wish to dance?" Severus asked Nikolai, who looked over at him.

"I would love to, but I don't know how you can bring Lucius, though," he said, and the blonde shook his head.

"I don't think so," He frowned, "My feet have been aching all day," He said.

"Why didn't you say something, do you want me to rub more salve on it?" Nikolai asked, and Lucius shook his head again.

"No, just go dance, I'll be fine," He reassured them, and they both nodded and went to the dance floor.

"Just follow my lead," Severus whispered, pulling Nikolai close to him and leading him around the dance floor. They danced to a few songs before they headed back to the table, where Lucius and Ezra were sitting together talking about their pregnancies.

"Hello," A voice said and the four of them paused to look up at the lady standing in front of the table.

"Aunt Flora, you're awake," Ezra said, and Nikolai sat straighter.

"Yes, it would appear so," she said as her eyes landed on Nikolai. "Nikolai, it is so good to finally meet you. I am your mother," she said, but Nikolai only glared at her.

"I apologize madam, but my mother is dead," Nikolai said as the cake started to be sliced and appeared on the table.

"What do you think you're doing here?" a voice hissed, and they saw Tom come over to them with a furious look in his eyes.

"Tom," Flora said, smiling at him. "I came to see our son get married," she said as she made her way over to Tom, who scowled at her.

"I see you mated," She said and Tom lifted a brow.

"Well, yes, well, I couldn't stay in the past with bad decisions," Tom said, and Flora huffed. "Now, my mate will show you off the property," he said as Skool walked over in his wolf form and stopped at Tom's side.

"You mated a mangy mongrel?" Flora gasped, and a scream was heard as she fell to the floor, drawing the attention of the rest of the party.

"The next words out of your mouth should be chosen very carefully," Tom said as he held his wand and pointed at the woman on the floor. "Drag her out of here," He said to Skoll who gripped her by the hair and pulled her out of the party and to the end of the property.

"Fuck that woman," Tom mumbled before marching off into the house.

"We better go get ready to leave for our honeymoon," Lucius said softly as he stood, "It was nice to finally meet you, Ezra," he said as the other two stood and said their goodbyes as well before they headed to the manor.

They entered the living room and saw Tom and Skoll sitting on the couch hugging. Tom spotted them first and pulled away from the hug. "Are you guys leaving already?" he asked.

"Yeah, we need to leave now if we are going to make it on time," Lucius said and Tom hugged all three before they picked up their shrunken shrinks by the fire.

"We'll see you in two weeks," Nikolai said as he hugged Tom one last time before the three entered the floo and Severus grabbed the floo powder.

"Lucas Marves, Woodstock, Vermont, USA," He said before dropping the powder.


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Word count: 971

Re-published: May 2, 2024, 7:30 pm

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