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THREEWILL BYERS««-------- ≪ °◇◆◇° ≫ --------»»

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she was running as fast as she could. her feet stepped on the twigs below her as her breath began to hitch. she couldn't see, darkness surrounded her- but she knew she was in the woods. the growling behind her began to get louder, which made elizabeth turn around in frustration. she was running as fast as she could, how was this animal catching up to her? she continued to run, taking deep and fast breaths so she wouldn't pass out. elizabeth made it to the road, only to see a boy riding his bike. 

the growling behind her stopped, focusing its attention to the boy. elizabeth hid behind a tree as the boy fell off his bike. she quickly looked to see the monster standing in the middle of the road. elizabeth quickly ran across the street, "hey!" she yelled, making the monster turn its head towards her. elizabeth froze in fear, realizing the monster heard her but continued to follow the boy- who began to run.

elizabeth ran after the boy, hoping she could save him from the monster. she ran through the woods, listening to the boys thoughts and feeling his energy so she wouldn't lose him. she made it to the boys house, watching as he shut the door to his home. elizabeth ran up to the front door, raising her hand to knock- but her hand went straight through the door. she went wide eyed, realizing this wasn't real. this was a vision. 

elizabeth went through the door, hearing the boy call for his mom and someone named jonathan. the dog barked in panic as the boy ran around the home. he looked out the window, not realizing elizabeth stood there in his living room. she tried to get out of the vision, not wanting to see this boy get hurt- but nothing was working. the boy picked up the phone as the monster crept closer to the home.

"hey!" elizabeth yelled, hoping the boy could hear her. 

will byers, that was his name.

elizabeth had scanned through his mind, trying to find any information she could on the boy. she knew that she couldn't tell anyone besides matthew and hopper because they would believe her. the monster opened up the locks on the door, making elizabeth spin around in fear. for some reason the monster could see her, but the boy couldn't. will dropped the phone and ran out back, leaving elizabeth with the monster as it opened the door.

she raised her hand, shoving the door closed again. the monster fought against her force, pushing back against the girl. her mind began to go fuzzy as blood ran down from her nose. the monster pushed open the door, growling at elizabeth who stared in fear. the monster raised its claw, making elizabeth dodge the swipe and run out the back door. will byers was in his shed, holding his shot gun as elizabeth ran out towards him. she stood in front of the boy, "you need to run!" she screamed, but he couldn't see her. elizabeth looked up to see the light began to glow brighter, making her eyes widen in fear. "run! run! run!" she screamed, trying to grab the boy.

suddenly elizabeth shot up in her bed, screaming "no!". her face was dried with blood, her pillow had blood all over it from it running down her face. she couldn't hear since the liquid was dried in her ears. she screamed again from the pain, causing her mirror, lamp, and window to shatter. she wrapped her arms around her legs, bawling in fear as matthew ran in the room with a gun. he turned on the light, yelling words at elizabeth, but it was all a mumble. "help him!" elizabeth screamed, looking at matthew who just stared at her in disbelief, "help him!"

flashes of the lab went through her mind, she could see brenner standing above her with a grin on his face as she screamed in fear. she could see the syringes and the restraints. elizabeth covered her ears as she could see brenner place something over her eyes, telling her to 'make me proud 012'. matthew shook the girl as she cried, "elizabeth! can you hear me!?" he yelled as she looked at him. 

all she saw was papa. elizabeth raised her hand in fear, shooting matthew back into the wall. books fell down from the bookshelf, just missing his head. "elizabeth!" matthew yelled again, "its me!"

elizabeth tried to stand up and run, but she collapsed on the ground. her body was to weak. blood was everywhere. her eyes were slowly closing as she looked at matthew, who stood above her, tears forming in his eyes. suddenly, everything went quiet and elizabeth passed out on the floor. matthew looked down at the girl, not knowing what to do. he was frozen in fear. he never once saw the girl like this. he quickly ran out to the kitchen, grabbing the phone on the wall and dialed hopper. 

"its 3am, what do you want?" hopper snapped as he picked up the phone. 

"something happened, and its bad."

"i'll be there in 5."

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ELIZABETH WALKED INTO SCHOOL LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED. she insisted to matthew it was a bad dream, and it would never happen again. she failed to mention that will byers was taken by something that elizabeth was afraid of- something dangerous. she needed to act like everything was okay, she couldn't freak out like that again. elizabeth walked through the hallways, nodding her head at nancy wheeler and barbara holland, the two of them both smiling at her in return. 

elizabeth walked to her locker, opening it up. she could feel panic rising as she thought about the boy- but that quickly went away when robin walked up to her locker. "you look like you've seen a ghost." robin joked, making the girl jump, nearly dropping her books. robin raised an eyebrow, "everything okay?"

elizabeth nodded, "yeah, just peachy."

robin clicked her tongue, "alright then."

elizabeth grabbed her history book, shutting her locker as nancy walked by her. she went into the bathroom, making elizabeth raise her eyebrow. nancy and steve had been talking, even though nancy didn't want to admit it. elizabeth had tried warning her, but nancy insisted steve wasn't like that anymore- he changed.

robin and elizabeth had become good friends, they just clicked. robin had talked to her nearly every day until elizabeth finally talked to her back, and turns out- they have a lot in common. they both hated boys, they both hated steve harrington, and they had a liking for music. they began to walk to their class, walking past the cheerleaders by their lockers. the redhead smiled at elizabeth, making her smile back at her. elizabeth didn't know her name, but they usually saw each other around. 

robin sat down in her seat as elizabeth set her stuff down on her desk. steve walked in the class with a bagel, sitting next to elizabeth; just so he could annoy her. "elizabeth." steve said, smirking at the girl as she sat down in her seat. "you look like you seen death." elizabeth ignored the boy, looking up at the board. she turned around, looking at robin, who just rolled her eyes. steve watched the exchange and scoffed, "listen i'm sorry."

elizabeth turned to him, "i'm not interested." she snapped, "you have nancy wheeler now and hopefully you don't try to rape her." steve's eyes went wide as some classmates looked at them, elizabeth giving him a snarky look before looking at the board again. "just saying."

"you're a bitch elizabeth kester."

"i know."

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