The Camel

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Akira (me): *comes in riding on a camel*

Dei: know there's a girl stuck to your back right Mr. Camel?

Kisame: Hey, Akira, what's with the camel?

Me: idk, isn't it awesome though?

Itachi: No.

Me: You're no fun itchy *pouts*. What do you think Pinoccio?

Sasori: *looks up from puppet* I told you to stop calling me that.

Me: So-sori.

Sasori: *sighs*

Me: I know you love me!

Dei: We do?

Me: Yes. If you didn't I wouldn't be here.

Hidan: You're only here to cook for us.

Me: Am not! Come on, Mr. Camel, let's leave these weidros (no typo) to think about what they've done.

Dei: What'd we do?

Me: Exactly.


Me: No! The voices, they've come back! With a vengeance!

Konan: Relax, it's only Tobi.

Me: I know *smiles enthusiastically*. Tobi's a good boy! Come and give me a hug!

Tobi: *runs into room* Akira-chan! Woah? What's with the camel? ITS AWESOME!

Me: I know right? *sticks tongue out at others* TOLD YA SO!

Camel: *rears then runs*

Me: *falls backwards* Ow, my butt. No! Mr. Camel come back!

Kisame: *laughing*

Me: Yeah, that's right. Keep laughing Fishy! It'll be the last thing you ever do.

Dei: *laughs* Kisame she got you good!

Itachi: I'm surrounded by a bunch of idiots.

Me: Yes, yes you are. But we're your idiots and you love us anyway!

Kakuzu: Oh just great! You made me loose count!

Hidan: To bad, so sad.

*random awkward silence*

Me: Awkward turtle *awkward turtle*

Everyone: *looks at me*

Me: Awkward turtle has babies *awkward turtle has babies*

Hidan: Yeah, um...I'm gonna go pray to Jashin *runs out of the riom*.

Me: Don't run with your scythe thingy!

Sasori: I'm going workshop.

Kakuzu: I'm going somewhere to count quietly.

Konan: I think I'll go check on Pien *leave awkwardly*.

Dei: I'll go blow something up, un.

Tobi: I'll come with you Sempai!

Dei: *thinks-now I'll have something to blow up* *evil grin*

Me: Uhhh......Mr. Camel wait up! *chases after mr. Camel.*

Itachi: I'll stay right here *watches random Spanish Soap Opera* *sniff* It's just so sad.

Mr. Camel: 'No! Leave me alone you crazy chick!'

Me and mr camel: *runs off into sunset*




idk how funny that was...I was bored and thought of a camel....and this came out.

Don't blame me, BLAME BRIAN (my brain)!!!!

Akatsuki RandomliciousnessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon