Chapter 2: Cordelia meets Mr Keating

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Something about myself that I've noticed in the past few years is that I seem to awake early during term time. I can't help it, due to me also being an insane insomniac it means I never seem to get enough sleep for school.

The birds flutter by my window and I can't help but sit and stare. I try to not overthink too much, I know that if I do, I'm gonna end up forcing myself to have a bad day all because in my head I've convinced myself that I do not deserve to have a good day. Considering I have an hour til breakfast the next thing I choose to do is rather unusual, and being my usual self i'd normally sit and read, I exit my dorm and head out into the courtyard. Something about the foggy autumn weather just lured me in. I stroll round the grounds for about half an hour before heaidng back to find my blonde roommate up and ready.

"Hey, where have you been?" She asks seemingly concerned. "Nowhere, and everywhere, I suppose." maybe my answer seems complicated or maybe she just thinks I'm weird but Taylor scrunches her nose in a way I can't describe. It's hard to tell wether she's confused or looking at me with a distaste. "And whats that supposed to mean?" She questions, I just shrug my shoulders, not even knowing myself, and we both burst into laughter for a reason that is apparent to no one.

Once our giggles die down we head to breakfast, we sit side by side away from all the other students. This girl may be more interesting than what I thought. At first glance she seems like your typical high school girl, the perfect blonde, decent grades, undoubtedly cheerleader material. But the more I talk to her the more I find out. We talk about books and languages, our conversation just seems to flow perfectly.

After a rather bland breakfast, we head to our first lesson of the year, chemistry. Much to our dismay, our teacher announced a big chunk of homework due in tomorrow. Without fully processing the stupid lesson, I quickly move to Latin, a lesson which I had been a little excited for. I wouldn't really consider myself a nerd but I have a deep love for languages.

The rest of today's lessons drag on for what seems like forever, boring me more and more as the day goes on. Finally I have come to the last lesson of today, English. Honestly, I have high hopes. English is my favourite subject and I'm praying Welton doesn't ruin that for me.

The room is crowded, people plop themselves down in what ever seat they desire. I stand for a minute before claiming a seat near the back of the classroom
next to Charlie and Taylor. People are throwing paper airplane and balls of paper around, everything is a mess but rather entertaining.

Suddenly the English teacher, Mr Keating, strides across the classroom humming a tune. And to my, and everyone elses, shock he leaves us, walking outside the classroom.
"Well, come on." He says poking his head back in the classroom. It takes a moment but then Cameron gets up and everyone else just follows along, exiting the classroom one by one.

"O Captain, my Captain, who knows where that comes from?" He askes once we're all gathered. Its dead silent for a minute so I slowly raise my hand. "Yes, Miss, uh."
"Miss Perry Sir, and it's from a poem by Walt Whitman about Abraham Lincoln." I reply nervously.

"Correct!" He beams, "Now in this class, you can either call me Mr Keating, or if your slightly more daring, O Captain, my Captain." A few students giggle as Mr keating carries on, "Now let me dispel a few rumours so they don't fester into facts. Yes, I too attended Hell-ton and survived. And no, at the time I was not the mental giant you see before you. I was the intellectual equivalent of a 98-pound weakling. I would go to the beach, and people would kick copies of Byron in my face."

More students laugh at our new, humorous teacher. I smile brightly at the man before me, I think I'm gonna really like these classes. "Now," he begins again, "Mr Pitts, that's a rather unfortunate name. Mr Pitts, where are you?" Pitts awkward raises his hand, clearly uncertain of where this is going. "Mr Pitts, will you open your hymnal to page 542? Read the first stanza of the poem you find there."

"To the Virgins, to make much of time?" Pitts asks, "Yes thats the one," The class burst into quiet laughter, "Somewhat appropriate, isnt it?"

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old time is still a-flying:
And this same flower that smiles to-day
To-morrow will be dying."

"Thank you, Mr Pitts. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may. The Latin term for that sentiment is carpe diem. Who knows what that means?" This time both me and Meeks raise our arms to answer the question being asked. After being picked Meeks replies saying "Carpe Diem, that's Seize the day."
"Very good Mr...?"
"Meeks." Sir nods, "another unusual name."

After an hour of Mr Keatings admirable teaching, the bell rings and we are let out. "That was weird." Pitts says to the group. "But different!" my brother exclaims to the group. "Kinda spooky if you ask me" Knox adds on.
"Personally, I think he's wonderful." I say smiling.
"Think he'll test us on that stuff?" Cameron aks, for the love of Christ this kid doesn't get anything. "Oh, come on, Cameron. Don't you get anything?" Charlie asks speaking my thoughts.

Me and Taylor head back to our dorm, having to wait to get ready for bed due to there being only one shower complex, that the boys were currently using. "Mr Keating great! don't ya think?" I ask the girl, as I spread out on my bed. "Yes he is!" She replies, "It's actually nice to have a good teacher round here." I hum in response staring up at myself, slowly loosing myself in a daydream.

a/n: not proof read! I promise you all that the writing will get better as this goes on, I just need to get to the main point.

qotd: What's your favourite tv show?

my answer: either YOU, Gilmore girls or One of us is Lying.

(1084 words)

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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